The Medici Palace Michelozzo di Bartolommeo, c Sometimes called Riccardi Medici Palace Note the Roman architectural features
The Foundling Hospital Filippo Brunelleschi, Note the Roman architectural features and perfect proportion and perspective
The adoration of the Magi Sandro Botticelli, Note the Roman ruins in the background Spiritual scene at the centre of the painting
The Slaughter of the Innocents Domenico Ghirlandiao, Note the Roman architectural features e.g. Roman arches, Corinthian columns, pediment, proportion, use of perspective
La Primavera Sandro Botticelli, Note the Pagan gods and the use of mythological figures Classical Allegory and Illusions Detail of the Three Graces
Birth of Venus Sandro Botticelli, Note the Pagan gods and the use of mythological figures Classical Allegory and Illusions
Bacchus Michelangelo, Nude, lifelike sculpture expressing human emotions
Pieta Michelangelo, Lifelike sculpture Expressing human emotions
David Michelangelo, Nude, lifelike sculpture
David Donatello, c Nude, lifelike sculpture
Tomb of Lorenzo de Medici Michelangelo, Classical illusions
Tomb of Leonardo Bruni Bernardo Rossellino,
Death of St Frances Giotto di Bondone, c Proto Renaissance Art Natural, lifelike figures Emotions expressed, Realism Use of three dimensional space Rounded figures replace stiff figures of the Middle Ages
The Sistine Chapel Michelangelo, High Renaissance Art Note the anatomy of the human body Nude males
The Vitruvian Man Leonardo da Vinci,
The Tribute Money Masaccio, Use of 3 dimensional space – foreground, mid-ground & background Figures dressed like Ancient Roman Senators Realism of facial expressions
The School of Athens Raphael Sanzio, Greek & Roman figures Greek & Roman architectur al features Balance & symmetry