David By: Michelangelo
Background Info This sculpture was began and finished during the Renaissance Era.( ) This sculpture was paid for by the city of Florence and as well as the city wanting it; the citizens loved it. The man portrayed is David right before his encounter with Goliath.
What is the “eye catcher”? What grabs your attention and why?
My “eye catcher” The fact he is nude really grabs my attention. In todays times, we find beauty in things beyond the natural aspect. During the Renaissance, people found beauty in the Human body alone.
What assertion is being made? Tell me why Michelangelo chose to sculpt this particular man and why he did it the way in which he did.
The True Assertion Michelangelo is asserting the beauty of the natural man. Perfectly defined face, chest, arms, abs, and legs.
Ethos, pathos, and Logos?
Ethos, pathos, and logos? Ethos- This is made credible by being created by Michelangelo. He is a well known and highly regarded artist even today. Pathos- In the Renaissance, when created, the emotional appeal was to provide a heart felt beauty and a regard to happiness. Logos- A logical appeal created by the sculpture would be that all man is naturally beautiful.
Techniques used?
Techniques used Michelangelo uses great detail. He perfects the body of David.