Finding Books and Journals: WISER Hilary Term 2008 Juliet Ralph & Cesar Pimenta Radcliffe Science Library
BIGGEST university library service in UK Oxford University Library Services Which library for my subject? –Locations & opening hours –Subjects & Special collections
Research Libraries Bodleian Library Radcliffe Science Library Sackler Library (Art History, Classics & Archaeology) Social Science Library Taylor Institution (Modern Languages & Literature)
“Legal deposit” system Bodleian Library is entitled to a free copy of every book and journal published in the UK Since 1610 Science intake at Radcliffe Science Library Not for loan Majority housed in closed Stacks
The library catalogue OLISOLIS (Oxford Libraries Information System) is the most comprehensive index to our collections. OLIS It includes printed Books and Journals in over 100 libraries Over 12 million items
What it doesn’t include (yet!) Some collections eg Chinese language, early manuscripts –Separate catalogues for these –See Not all e-books & e-journals Not all College libraries –College libraries are only open to their own members
Browse and Keyword searching Browse in index displays an alphabetical list from the selected index (Title, Author, etc). The closest match appears in bold. Search for keywords will retrieve items that contain the word(s) you enter wherever they appear in the selected field (Title, Author, Subject, etc).
Searching for a specific book If you know the exact title –Do a Browse search by Title –If the first word is the, a, an – omit this If you know the author’s full name –Do a Browse search by Author –Use surname, first name eg Dawkins, Richard If you don’t have full details –Do a Keyword search –Enter one or more words from author, title, series, publisher, etc
Searching for a specific journal Journals are included in the main Title index But you can also search by Journal Title –Useful for one-word titles eg Nature. NB Journal articles (and book chapters) are not listed in their own right - so you need to search for the Book or Journal itself.
Your results You can Sort results by date, author or title Limit results by date, language or material type, such as Books, Maps, Serials (Journals) etc Mark records to save or them View your Search History.
Searching by subject Search for Keywords in title, e.g. facial expression. OR Use Subject Headings : choose “LC Subjects” (Library of Congress) as Browse or Keyword search. “LC Subjects” (Library of Congress) as Browse or Keyword search. Retrieves books on that subject even if they don’t have your keyword in the title. Retrieves books on that subject even if they don’t have your keyword in the title.
Reservations and Renewals Reservations – choose Hold Title if all copies are on loan at that library (and you are a member of it) Patron functions – view your record, renew your loans, check your reservations & stack requests, etc
Making a Stack request If the Location is a Stack (such as Bodley or RSL), choose Request from stacks You will usually be offered a choice of delivery location If the Journal issue you want is not listed individually, choose Unlisted part and fill in the form
To use these options you need Your barcode number (on University Card) and your OLIS password …which is your date of birth, in this format 17sep1985
Oxford University e-Journals Uses the SFX system produced by Ex Libris SFX provides links to articles in databases and other sources where you see the “Find Oxford” icon It also provides an A-Z listing of our e-journals.
The A-Z list The A-Z list Over 40,000 titles Current subscriptions with all major publishers Growing numbers of backfiles (archives) Some are also listed on OLIS, but not complete yet
Which years are available? You may get a choice of links, such as: Publisher – for latest issues (last 5-10 years) JSTOR UK – for the archive. –Choose Browse this journal to get list of back issues JSTOR is an archive of key scholarly journals, spanning many disciplines. Some date back to the 1600s.
If we haven’t got it Inter-Library Loans / Document Supply service £3.75 per request Journal articles delivered by
Library catalogues beyond Oxford COPAC: the UK’s main research libraries WorldCat: libraries worldwide Access via Oxlip
Here to help Contact your Subject Librarian Listed at Online enquiry service “Ask an Oxford Librarian”
Next WISER General session Friday 25 January, pm Introduction to e-resources available at Oxford including –Bibliographic databases, online reference tools and statistics. –How to access from outside the Oxford network. Book via