Object-Based Databases Ghazal Mostofi Sadri
Outline 1.Overview 2.Complex Data Types 3.Structured Types and Inheritance in SQL 4.Table Inheritance 5.Array and Multiset Types in SQL 6.Object-Identity and Reference Types in SQL 7.Persistent Programming Languages
Overview Relational data models deal with simple data types. Two obstacles: 1.Dealing with complex data types such as: – Nested record structures – Multi-valued attributes – Inheritance 2.Difficulty in accessing database data from object-oriented programs (C++ or Java) The solution: – Object-relational database systems based on object-relational data model
Complex Data Types Objective: To represent E-R model concepts (composite attributes, multivalued attributes, etc )without a complex translation to the relational model. Composite Attributes such as: – Address ( street, city, state, postal_code ) Multivalued Attributes such as: – Telephone (PhNo_1, PhNo_2, …, PhNo_n )
1NF Relation & Non-1NF Relation First Normal Form (1NF): – All attributes have atomic domains. – Viewing the database as a set of records Viewing the database as a set of objects or entities leads to a non-1NF relation Example: a library application – Book title – List of authors: Array-Valued domain – Publisher: Having 2 subfields; name & branch – Set of keywords: Set-Valued domain Non-1NF books relation, books
4NF version of the relation books Authors (title, author, position) Keywords (title, keyword) Books4 (title, pub_name, pub_branch) The use of nested relations leads to an easier-to-understand model.
Structured Types in SQL:1999 User-Defined Types – create type Name as (firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20)) final; – create type Address as (street varchar(20), city varchar(20), zipcode varchar(9)) not final; Using these types in a table: – create table person ( name Name, address Address, dateOfBirth date); Final: No subtypes Not Final: Can have Subtypes
User-Defined Row Types Named row type: – create type PersonType as ( name Name, address Address, dateOfBirth date) not final – create table person of PersonType; Unnamed row type: – create table person_r ( name row (firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20)), address row (street varchar(20), city varchar(20), zipcode varchar(9)), dateOfBirth date); Query example: – select name.lastname, address.city from person;
Methods create type PersonType as ( name Name, address Address, dateOfBirth date) not final method ageOnDate(onDate date) returns interval year; create instance method ageOnDate (onDate date) returns interval year for PersonType begin return onDate − self.dateOfBirth; end Query example: – select name.lastname, ageOnDate (current date) from person;
Constructor Functions create function Name (firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20)) returns Name begin set self.firstname = firstname; set self.lastname = lastname; end insert into Person values (new Name(’John’, ’Smith’), new Address(’20 Main St’, ’New York’, ’11001’), date ’ ’);
Type Inheritance create type Person (name varchar(20), address varchar(20)); Subtypes: – create type Student under Person (degree varchar(20), department varchar(20)); – create type Teacher under Person (salary integer, department varchar(20)); Subtypes can redefine methods by using overriding method in place of method in the method declaration.
Multiple Type Inheritance create type TeachingAssistant under Student, Teacher; Renaming to avoid a conflict between the two occurrences of department: – create type TeachingAssistant under Student with (department as student_dept), Teacher with (department as teacher_dept); A value of a structured type must have exactly one most-specific type.
Table Inheritance create table people of Person; Subtables : – create table students of Student under people; – create table teachers of Teacher under people; Multiple Table Inheritance: – create table teaching_assistants of TeachingAssistant under students, teachers;
Consistency Requirements Tuples in a subtable and parent table correspond if they have the same values for all inherited attributes. The consistency requirements for subtables: 1.Each tuple of the supertable can correspond to at most one tuple in each of its immediate subtables. 2.SQL has an additional constraint that all the tuples corresponding to each other must be derived from one tuple (inserted into one table).
Array and Multiset Types in SQL create type Publisher as (name varchar(20), branch varchar(20)); create type Book as (title varchar(20), author_array varchar(20) array [10], pub_date date, publisher Publisher, Keyword_set varchar(20) multiset); create table books of Book;
Creating and Accessing Collection Values Array – array[’Silberschatz’, ’Korth’, ’Sudarshan’] Multiset – multiset[’computer’, ’database’, ’SQL’] Creating a tuple – (’Compilers’, array[’Smith’, ’Jones’], new Publisher(’McGraw-Hill’, ’New York’), multiset[’parsing’, ’analysis’]) Insertion – insert into books values (’Compilers’, array[’Smith’, ’Jones’], new Publisher(’McGraw-Hill’, ’New York’), multiset[’parsing’, ’analysis’]);
Querying Collection-Valued Attributes select title from books where ’database’ in (unnest(keyword_set)); select author_array[1], author_array[2], author_array[3] from books where title = ’Database System Concepts’;
Unnesting Unnesting: – The transformation of a nested relation into a form with fewer (or no) relationvalued attributes. Example: – select title, A.author, publisher.name as pub_name, publisher.branch as pub_branch, K.keyword from books as B, unnest(B.author_array) as A(author), unnest (B.keyword_set) as K(keyword);
Nesting Nesting: – The reverse process of transforming a 1NF relation into a nested relation Example: – select title, author, Publisher(pub name, pub branch) as publisher, collect(keyword) as keyword set from flat books group by title, author, publisher;
Object-Identity and Reference Types in SQL An attribute of a type can be a reference to an object of a specified type: – create type Department ( name varchar(20), head ref(Person) scope people); create table departments of Department; The restriction of the scope of a reference to tuples of a table is mandatory in SQL, and it makes references behave like foreign keys. The self-referential attribute is an attribute which stores the identifier of the tuple: – create table people of Person ref is person_id system generated; Path expression: – select head−>name, head−>address from departments;
Persistent Programming Languages A persistent data: a data which continues to exist even after the program that created it has terminated. A persistent programming language is a programming language extended with constructs to handle persistent data. Persistence of Objects – Persistence by class – Persistence by creation – Persistence by marking – Persistence by reachability
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