Series Policy in RDA George Prager and Robert Maxwell Continuing Resources Cataloging Forum American Library Association 27 January 2014
Introduction PCC/SCT Series Policy Task Force Formed Nov Not a subgroup of associated PCC/SCT Series Training TF or the Series Review Group Members: Robert Maxwell, George Prager, Ed Jones, Paul Priebe
Introduction Work of the Series Policy Task Force – Recommend new series policies arising from RDA implementation: Done – Review all existing LC-PCC PS & DCM Z1 sections on series: In process – Recommend additions and changes to existing documentation: In process
Introduction – Interim Report completed Jan. 17, 2014 I.FRBR Issues II.Transcription issues III.Access point issues IV.Miscellaneous issues Appendix I. Proposed Policy Statements Appendix II. Other Series-related policy statements needing review 50+ pages of discussion & recommendations
Introduction Next Steps: PCC decisions needed on Task Force recommendations (SCS & PoCo) Approved recommendations to be merged into LC-PCC PS & series training materials Task Force work finished: Spring 2014? Documentation updated: Fall 2014? Highlights of a few policy recommendations follow
Series Numbering: Transcription (490) Series numbering only in CIP data, publisher’s website, etc. – RDA allows numbering to be taken from any source in resource ( ) – Recommendation: Do not change current policy (don’t allow transcription from CIP data, bibliography, etc.)
Series Numbering: Transcription (490) Prefer Arabic numerals for Roman or other numerals (RDA , 1.8, LC-PCC PS)? – RDA: use form preferred by the agency – RDA 1 st alternative (LC): record numerals in form they appear (1.8.2) – TF Recommendation: Follow RDA 1 st alternative (LC-PCC PS at should be changed to “LC/PCC practice”)
Series Numbering: AAPs (8XX) Numbering only in CIP, publisher’s website, etc. – RDA allows information on numbering in series AAPs to be taken from any source ( ) – Helpful for user if numbering given in AAPs – But no expectation to look outside resource for series information – Recommendation: Do not change current policy (Allow series numbering in series AAPs to be taken from any source) – Reminder: If numbering taken from outside resource, no 490 (RDA )
Series Numbering: AAPs (8XX) Substitute prescribed abbreviations for different found abbreviations of captions? No clear instructions in RDA (B5.5, 24.6) On English language resource: “vol.” 642 field: use “vol.” or “v.”? On French language resource: “v.” 642 field: use “v.” or “vol.”?
Series Numbering: AAPs (8XX) Recommended LC-PCC PS : PCC practice: Abbreviate terms used as part of the numbering as instructed in Appendix B. Substitute one form of abbreviation with the prescribed abbreviation. English: always use “v.” for vol., vols., etc. French: always use “vol.” for v., vols., etc.
Series Numbering: AAPs (8XX) Substitute Arabic numerals for Roman or other numerals in series numbering of AAPs? (RDA 24.6, 1.8) On resource: tome VIII In AAP: use “t. VIII” or “t. 8”? Recommended LC-PCC PS : PCC practice: Record numerals in series numbering as Arabic numerals. Abbreviate terms used as part of the numbering as instructed in Appendix B. Substitute one form of abbreviation with the prescribed abbreviation.
Series Numbering: Chronological Designations (490/8XX) Record both series numbering & chronological designations in series statements? Use both in AAPs? (Yes, as per RDA & ) On piece: Band 5 (2012) $v Band 5 (2012) $v Bd. 5 (2012) Recommendation: Follow RDA as written; add an example in training materials
Series in multiple languages A series is an aggregate work As such, it can exist in more than one expression, including – Translations The translation can exist independently of the original; or Bilingual series
Bilingual Series 1. Create a work-level authority record for the series. For bilingual series, this authorized access point would probably be used only for subject access # $a Curtis, Jennifer Keats. $t Animal helpers 2. Create expression-level authority records for the language expressions containing authorized access points created by appending the language (including the original language) to the authorized access point for the series expression 100 1# $a Curtis, Jennifer Keats. $t Animal helpers. $l English 100 1# $a Curtis, Jennifer Keats. $t Animal helpers. $l Spanish
Bilingual Series 3. Use the authorized access points for the language expressions in bibliographic records, as appropriate # $a Curtis, Jennifer Keats. $t Animal helpers. $l English 800 1# $a Curtis, Jennifer Keats. $t Animal helpers. $l Spanish 4. For bilingual series, since the visual clue “language & language” will no longer exist in the authorized access point, we recommend including a 655 field in the bibliographic record for the resource: 655 #0Bilingual books.
Series vs. “Name” authority record OCLC (collected set) 100 0Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C., ǂe author Sallust / ǂc translated by J.C. Rolfe ; revised by John T. Ramsey Cambridge, Massachusetts ; ǂa London, England : ǂb Harvard University Press, ǂc volumes : ǂb maps ; ǂc 17 cm Loeb classical library ; ǂv Volume 1. The war with Cataline ; The war with Jugurtha
Series vs. “Name” authority record OCLC (analytic) 100 0Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C., ǂe author The war with Catiline ; ǂb The war with Jugurtha / ǂc Sallust ; translated by J.C. Rolfe ; revised by John T. Ramsey Cambridge, Massachusetts ; ǂa London, England : ǂb Harvard University Press, ǂc lxxxviii, 440 pages : ǂb maps ; ǂc 17 cm Loeb classical library ; ǂv 116
Series vs. “Name” authority record PCC policy under AACR2: Cancel the name authority record Create a new series authority record Or Revise the name authority record to become a series authority record.
Series vs. “Name” authority record This policy more or less forced PCC catalogers to go the “analytic” route (with series authorized access points) rather than catalog using a collected set record.
Series vs. “Name” authority record 3 options: 1.Always revise or amend the existing name authority record to treat as a series (continue existing policy) 2.Create an additional authority record, perhaps qualified by “Series” 3.Revise PCC policy to allow a single authority record to authorize either “name” authorized access points or series authorized access points
Series vs. “Name” authority record The policy group recommends option 3. This would only require a policy and practice change, not a MARC change, since series authority records are already coded as valid for “name” use. In cases where an authorized access point might be needed either as a series or a “name” access point, we recommend not using the term “Series” as a qualifier if a qualifier is needed.
Series vs. “Name” authority record OCLC (analytic) 100 0Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C., ǂe author The war with Catiline : ǂb The war with Jugurtha / ǂc Sallust ; translated by J.C. Rolfe ; revised by John T. Ramsey Cambridge, Massachusetts ; ǂa London, England : ǂb Harvard University Press, ǂc lxxxviii, 440 pages : ǂb maps ; ǂc 17 cm Sallust ; ǂv I Loeb classical library ; ǂv Bilingual books Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C. ǂt Works. ǂl English ǂs (Rolfe and Ramsey) ; ǂv Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C. ǂt Works. ǂl Latin ǂs (Rolfe and Ramsey) ; ǂv 1.
Series vs. “Name” authority record OCLC (collected set) 100 0Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C., ǂe author Sallust / ǂc translated by J.C. Rolfe ; revised by John T. Ramsey Cambridge, Massachusetts ; ǂa London, England : ǂb Harvard University Press, ǂc volumes : ǂb maps ; ǂc 17 cm Loeb classical library ; ǂv Volume 1. The war with Cataline ; The war with Jugurtha 655 0Bilingual books Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C. ǂt Works. ǂl English ǂs (Rolfe and Ramsey) Sallust, ǂd 86 B.C.-34 B.C. ǂt Works. ǂl Latin ǂs (Rolfe and Ramsey )