8 th ELA Source Cards
Creating Source Cards for your research You will need to obtain certain information from your book, database, and internet sources in order to create correct parenthetical notations in your final paper and works cited page. You will need to obtain certain information from your book, database, and internet sources in order to create correct parenthetical notations in your final paper and works cited page.
Books Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published. Editor’s last name, Editor’s first name, ed. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published.
Database—Magazine Articles Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. “Title of the Article.” Name of the Source. Date of Publication: page number of article. Name of Database Publication. Name of Database. Garcia Middle School, Sugar Land, TX. Date Article was Accessed in DD/MM/YY.
Internet Sites Name of Site. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site [sometimes found in copyright statements]. Date you accessed the site in DD/MM/YY.
Parenthetical Notations (also called internal citations) 8 th ELA
When you use information taken from a book, database, or internet site you must indicate where the information came from. Otherwise, you will be guilty of PLAGIARISM!!!
All quoted information or information that is not common knowledge must be cited, even if you put it into your own words. Most of this research will NOT be common knowledge; therefore, you will need to cite ALL facts.
Placing and Punctuation Place parenthetical reference inside the parentheses at the end of the sentence but before the final period Place parenthetical reference inside the parentheses at the end of the sentence but before the final period **Note: There is NO punctuation mark between the author’s name and the page number AND you do not use a “p” or “page” in the parenthetical information. (Smith 25) (Smith, page 25)
You must use a parenthetical notation: When you change source When you change source When you have a direct quote When you have a direct quote When you change paragraphs When you change paragraphs When you change page numbers of the same source When you change page numbers of the same source
Citing Books Paraphrased Source Paraphrased Source According to the legend, King Arthur lived sometime in the 6 th century. He was put into the care of Sir Ector as an orphan child by Merlin the magician (Smith 26). Quoted source Quoted source In our rapidly changing world, “new aspects of the national personality may be suddenly brought to light by a political or military event” (Hardwick 130).
Citing Database Sources Author Given: Author Given: The State museum has an exhibit about giant beavers who walked the earth (Thompson 25). No Author Given: No Author Given: Beavers' ability to change the landscape is second only to humans (“Beaver” 34).
Citing Websites Example Example “The wolf uses a haunting howl to keep the pack together” (Animal Planet para 4).
Works Cited Page 8 th ELA
Alphabetical Listing Your first step in creating your Works Cited page should be to place all of your source cards in alphabetic order by the first letter on the entry
Works Cited Preparation This is a page at the end of your paper that lists all works cited in the research paper. This is a page at the end of your paper that lists all works cited in the research paper. You title the page--Works Cited (no punctuation marks, no underlining, italics or bold in your title, and font is always Times New Roman) You title the page--Works Cited (no punctuation marks, no underlining, italics or bold in your title, and font is always Times New Roman) The first line of each entry starts against the left margin. Every other line under it is indented. The first line of each entry starts against the left margin. Every other line under it is indented.
Works Cited (example) “Admissions.” University of Texas Mar < “Admissions.” University of Texas Mar < Carroll, Jeanie. The Art of Law. Sidney: Shubert, Carroll, Jeanie. The Art of Law. Sidney: Shubert, “Lawyer.”Discover. 27, Feb < “Lawyer.”Discover. 27, Feb < COVER/indexstart.jsp>. COVER/indexstart.jsp>. “Lawyer.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. 04 Aug U.S. “Lawyer.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. 04 Aug U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. 28 Feb. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. 28 Feb Westward, Eric. Law Careers for Teens. Juno: Winter Westward, Eric. Law Careers for Teens. Juno: Winter Publications, Co., Publications, Co., Westward, Eric. Trials and Legalities. Juno: Winter Westward, Eric. Trials and Legalities. Juno: Winter Publications Co., Publications Co., 2006.