How to create a Bibliography: using the APA Referencing Style
What is a Bibliography? A Bibliography is a list of all material used in the preparation of your assignment. It is usually in alphabetical order of author's surname. If a resource has no author, list it in alphabetical order by the first 3 letters of the title, ignoring the words A, and The at the beginning of a title. ?
Hints : Remember to write down the bibliographic details of a resource as you use it. Don't wait until the end of the assignment, when you have returned some of the resources, and think 'which book did I use? Where is it?'
What bibliographic details do I need to reference different types of resources?
Book Author's surname, author's initial. Publication date (in brackets). Title – italics. Place of publication: Publisher. Kourik, R. (2010). The lavender garden. San Francisco: Chronicle Books
Book chapter Author's surname, author's initial – of chapter Publication date (in brackets). Title of chapter Author's surname, author's initial – of book Title of book – italics. Pages of chapter Place of publication: Publisher. Prinze, T.P. (2001). Colours of the rainbow. In F.M. Hood & T.S. Center (Eds.). Colour spectrums. (pp ). New York, NY: Scott Press.
Journal article Author surname, Initial Publication date - in brackets Title of article', Title of periodical - italics, Volume, Number in brackets Page number Smith, M., & Brown, L. (2010). A look at gaming in education. Schools and Education, 12(6),
Electronic journal article from online database Author surname, Initial Publication date - in brackets Title of article', Title of periodical - italics, Volume, Number in brackets Page number. Retrieved from – URL of online database Baker, V., Smiths, K., & Dodd, Y. (2010). Changing careers in mid stream. Australian Journal of Careers, 23(4), 19–25. Retrieved from
Newspaper article Author surname, Initial. Publication date - in brackets Title of article', Title of newspaper - italics, Page number. Shaw, P. (2011, May 12). Mining shares drop, The Australian, p.12.
Encyclopedia article Author's surname, author's initial – of article Publication date (in brackets). Title of article. Volume number and pages of encyclopedia Place of publication: Publisher Barker, D. (2007). Tiger cubs. In International encyclopedia of animals. (Vol. 3, pp ). New York: N.Y.: Notable Press.
Audio Visual Material Surname and initials of producer. Surname and initials of writer/director Production date (in brackets) Title in italics Media type in square brackets Place of production Studio name Movie: Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures. DVD: same as above but [DVD] in square brackets TV program: Crystal, L. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). The MacNeil/Lehrer news hour [Television broadcast]. New York and Washington, DC: Public Broadcasting Service.
Webpage with an author. Author surname and initials Date webpage created – in brackets. Hint: you will find this at the bottom of the page Title of web page in italics Retrieved and date retrieved from full URL Luikkonen,P. (2008). Roald Dahl ( ). Retrieved October 2, 2011, from
Webpage with no author. Title of webpage in italics Date webpage created (in brackets) Hint: you will find this at the bottom of the page Retrieved and date retrieved from full URL Roald Dahl. (2011) Retrieved October 2, 2011, from
Personal communication Forms of personal communication include letters, telephone conversations, personal interviews and messages. These are not included in your bibliography as they cannot be traced by the reader. You should refer to your source in the text of your assignment (in-text referencing ). Examples: D. Scott reported that 111 mm of rain fell in Turramurra yesterday.(personal communication, October 10, 2010). …races. (S.Smith, personal communication, May 24, 2011)...