Assignment Writing ILM Level 5
The Task
Assessment Criteria
Differences in Levels Level 3 Level 5 Doing Awareness of perspectives and approaches Investigate Surface Task What? Level 5 Planning / developing Understanding perspectives and approaches Research In-depth Strategic role Why?
What is theory? A set of assumptions, propositions or accepted facts that attempts to provide a plausible or rational explanation.
Critical v Descriptive Writing More marks for critical writing than descriptive writing Descriptive: not developing argument, merely setting a background within which an argument can be developed Critical: weigh up the evidence and arguments of others and then contributing your own
Verbs Discuss Compare Contrast Consider or evaluate Summarise
Harvard Referencing
Single author In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated … or In a study (Seedhouse 1997) coping with illness was investigated …
Two authors In a book by Basford and Slevin (1995) ….
More than two authors Benner et al (1996) conclude that ….
Listing references Alphabetical order by author’s name, Date (earliest first) Details from title page of publication Place of publication Publisher
A book by a single author Seedhouse, D (1997) Health promotion, philosophy, prejudice and practice. Chichester, John Wiley.
Book by two authors Burns, Nancy and Grove, Simon K (1997) The practice of nursing research: conduct, critique and utilisation. London, Saunders.
Book by more than two authors Mares, Penny et al (1995) Healthcare in multiracial Britain. Cambridge, Health Education Council.
From Websites Make a note of: Author of webpage – e.g. BBC The year the website was published of last updated (next to copyright symbol at bottom of homepage) Title of the webpage Electronic address e.g. The date you accessed the source
Example Author, (year of publication) title in italics. Available from: website. Date accessed. Department of Health (2008) A practical guide for disabled people or carers. Available from: Accessed 26 June 2011.
Word Count
Literacy Literacy standard is very much informed by the qualification Level 2 literacy is not significant as long as convey sense adequately Level 5 greater expectations – ability to present findings suitably (ie literacy, style, report writing)
Level 3 Reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. Level 5 Reflects the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to address broadly defined complex problems. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of action as well as exercising autonomy and judgement.
Sufficiency Descriptors
Referral – insufficient evidence Pass – sufficient evidence A good pass – only obtained when evidence is more than sufficient More than sufficient = exceeding requirements specified by the assessment criteria
Information from the Induction Handbook - Regulations for submission of assessed work All assignments must be submitted electronically and loaded onto e- portfolio. Assignments should be submitted as A4 portrait with line spacing at 1.5 with a minimum of font size 12 and font style Arial. Footers should be included on all pages to include page number, name and date.
10% either side of word count is acceptable. All assignments must be submitted on or before the deadline unless agreed in advance with tutor who is marking the assignment. The work submitted must be your own. A minimum of three different sources of evidence of research must be included in all assignments, of which one must be a book or journal.
Plagiarism Plagiarism is the act of presenting the ideas or words of another as one's own. All work taken from another source must be acknowledged using the Harvard referencing method. For more information refer to handbook or plagiarism guide on Moodle.
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