Global Handwashing Day October 15th Pencils of Promise - Laos
A Global Celebration A day to celebrate a simple behavior that can save lives – handwashing with soap! Reaches over 1 billion Over 100 countries Over 1,000,000 schools Growing each year Leading to longer-term changes (ex. Policies, program investments, political leadership, etc.)
AIM OF GLOBAL HANDWASHING DAY Foster and support a global culture of handwashing with soap which starts with us! To shine a spotlight on the state of handwashing in every country. Raise awareness about the benefits of handwashing with soap. To actually SAVE LIVES and make a real difference to health around the world!
FACTS AND FIGURES: The Problem Pneumonia is the number one cause of mortality among children under five years old, taking the lives of an estimated 1.8 million children per year The second most common cause of child death world wide is caused by diarrhoea. Over 1.1 million children under five die each year because of diarrhoea. That’s 1600 deaths a day worldwide These diseases spread with lack of hygiene.
Solving the Problem Washing with SOAP and WATER reduces both the incidence of death caused by diarrhoea, pneumonia and many water- bourne diseases. Washing with water is not enough, it’s the use of SOAP when washing that actually reduces death rates. Washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet is the key to reducing infection and disease!
Handwashing Challenges Difficult to change behaviour on a large scale. How to make water, soap and facilities available in schools, hospitals, homes etc in different countries around the world. Difficult to implement handwashing at critical times (cooking and after using toilet) in different countries and cultures
What can we do? Be the change in the world you want to see! That means ALWAYS use soap and water when you wash hands! Understand the issues that people face with lack of facilities and knowledge around the world. Think about what practical ways can we use to help solve these challenges?
The Message is Simple! Wet, Lather and Rinse before handling food and after using the toilet! Now do it and take the pledge to wash your hands!
For More Information Global Handwashing Day The Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing (PPPHW) (tools and resources for implementers)