Doctrine fundamentals Tbilisi september 2010
Definition The origin for ”doctrine” can be found from greek and latin doctrin`na och do`ceo, wich means education, wisdom and teaching, learning.
Monroe-doctrine 1823 This doctrine declared that the ”americas” or the western sphere was the United States area of interest and that Europé should not interfere. Doctrines can be used as a message to others
Flexible Response-doctrine Made it clear that U.S.A. might use nuclear weapons ”step by step” as a response to an owerwhelming conventional agression.
The Janus-face of doctrine Inwards As an instruction to your own forces: This is how we shall do Outwards As a message to your counterparts: This is what you can expect us to do
What is doctrine today ? Nato – doctrine is: ”Fundamental principles by which the military forces guide their actions in support of objectives. It’s authoritative but requires judgement in application.” Britain British Defence Doctrine (BDD) provides the broad philosophy and principles underpinning the employment of the British Armed Forces. It is the basis upon which all other subordinate national doctrine, describing in more detail how operations are directed, mounted, commanded, executed, sustained and recovered, is derived. (BBD 2008) The Netherlands “military doctrine defines the most effective way of using military assets on the basis of that practical experience. Doctrine is thus not dogmatic, but is intended to guide and advise.”
SWEDEN New definition of doctrine ? Based on knowledge and experiences, it is the documented will on how the Swedish armed forces builds and applies military force. It’s authoritative but requires judgement in application.”
SWEDEN New definition of doctrine ? Based on knowledge and experiences, it is the documented will on how the Swedish armed forces builds and applies military force. It’s authoritative but requires judgement in application.” Georgia: …it defines the role and place of the military forces in the overall system of Georgia´s national security, provides the vision for military force and the main principles for action during peacetime, crisis and war. // …is used as a guidance for GAF in their operations. It includes the vision on how the armed forces should act in order to succeed……
The new Russian military doctrine Inwards ? As an instruction to own forces: This is how we shall do Outwards ? As a message to counterparts: This is what you can expect us to do
Heavy and slow Agile and fast short range / thirsty Long range / can be filled with cans Propulsion is given priority
Hans von Seeckt During the 1920´s von Seeckt headed the german army reform Importance of doctrine
Heavy and slow Agile and fast short range / thirsty Long range / can be filled with cans Propulsion is given priority
Military theory in doctrines
How does doctrines fit in Military theory Doctrines Regulations Understand Objectives Doing THINK ! ACT ! LEARN !
Theory and practise
Fighting power MORALMORAL ConcptualConcptual PhysicalPhysical What factors does Fighting power consist of ?
Fighting power MORALMORAL ConcptualConcptual PhysicalPhysical What factors builds Fighting power ? Doctrine Heinz Guderian wrote the book ”achtung panzer”
Swedish Doctrine Doktrin för informationsoperationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för informationsoperationer 2004 Doktrin för gemensamma operationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för gemensamma operationer 2004 Doktrin för markoperationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för markoperationer 2004 Doktrin för marina operationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för marina operationer 2004 Doktrin för luftoperationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för luftoperationer 2004 Militärteorins grunder - för den svenska militära doktrinen Jerker Widén & Jan Ångström 2004 One doctrine Joint Operations Doctrine Land Operations Doctrine Maritime Operations Doctrine Air Operations Doctrine Information Operations Doctrine Military Theory - Influence on Armed Forces Doctrines Strategic Doctrine DoctrineStrategic C2 CONOPS
Regulations and instructions Proceedures Functions Units Soldiers Training Ceremonials Basic staff work Medivac Tank company Winter Assault rifle Royal main gard
MSD Joint doctrine for operations Land OpsAir Ops Maritime Ops Swedish doctrine hierarchy
MSD LogisticsIntelligenceCivil Military Coop Information OpsCommand & Control Hierarchy Tematical doctrines Swedens doctrine 1) 2) 1)Draft 2)New version under development
MSD Joint doctrine for operations Land OpsAir Ops Maritime Ops Swedish doctrine hierarchy Overlaping
MSD Joint doctrine for operations Land OpsAir Ops Maritime Ops Swedish doctrine hierarchy - future Tactical regulations land Tactical regulations air Tactical regulations marine
MSD Swedish doctrine hierarchy - future Tactical regulations land Tactical regulations air Tactical regulations marine Operations
Discussion Why shall Georgia have doctrine ? Who will read your doctrine ? What purpouse and effects shall your doctrine have ? What difference do you want between doctrines and regulations ?