ASREN Technical Committee Assuming and Building ASREN infrastructure ASREN Launch Meeting, Cairo, 8-9 December 2010 Aouaouche El-Maouhab (CERIST), Algeria And Yousef Torman (JUNet), Jordan
TC Mission: The Technical committee (TC) of ASREN is part of the structure of ASREN organization. The General assembly of ASREN forms the Technical Committee, headed by NRENs. TC advises the Board of Directors on technical matters and network expansion/management, and support the executive branch in its functions.
TC Membership o The technical Committee is formed mainly from the members NREN Managers or their representatives o The GA may appoint other members in the TC who can provide substantial contribution to the technical activities of ASREN
TC Responsibilities o Provide assistance to the ASREN Board o Discuss and prepare technical action plan o Quality assurance, monitoring and supervision o Provide technical assistance to the ASREN technical team o Plan the network design including topology, and interconnection
TC Activities (in the pipeline) To help integrate infrastructures related to specific services and applications (Grid, AAI, e-learning, e-library, …) Ipv6 services: introduce and generalize the Ipv6 services through the backbone Grid infrastructure services: Develop and maintain grid infrastructure needed for the e- Science applications
TC Activities (continued) Authentication and Authorization services for end users and their organizations ASREN-CERT: for security needs, create and coordinate NRENs-CERT Network Operation Centre Capacity Building activities
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