Propaganda, The Russian Revolution and the end of the war
Strife-Conflict or struggle Symbolize-express indirectly by an image, form, or model
propaganda What does the snake and the rabbit symbolize in cartoon number 1? That the evil snake of international strife or conflict between countries will eventually strangle the rabbit which represents the league of nations which was put into place to prevent another world war Cartoon number 2 President Wilson wanted to use isolationism to steer clear of the rocks of war and intervention, to keep the united states out of war. Cartoon number 3 The cartoonist believed in isolationism but the explosion of world war caused the united states to become involved Cartoon number 4 The country in the middle is in the United States, and we are staying out of their problems but we are not afraid of any of them.
propaganda What does the snake and the rabbit symbolize in cartoon number 1? That the evil snake of international strife or conflict between countries will eventually strangle the rabbit which represents the league of nations which was put into place to prevent another world war Cartoon number 2 President Wilson wanted to use isolationism to steer clear of the rocks of war and intervention, to keep the united states out of war. Cartoon number 3 The cartoonist believed in isolationism but the explosion of world war caused the united states to become involved Cartoon number 4 The country in the middle is in the United States, and we are staying out of their problems but we are not afraid of any of them.
Russian Revolution Russian revolution began in 1917 during world war 1 Tsar (czar) Nicolas II left the capitol to oversee war operations in the west, but left his country in shambles. Aristocracy-a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges especially the hereditary nobility. There was a shortage of food that was causing widespread starvation, the army was called on to stop the uprising and was killing civilians. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky Communism
Russian Revolution The Russian revolution of 1917 was due to a number of factors Starvation Poor economic development and the difference between the rich and poor was growing Oppressive rule by the tsar (czar) who used military force to put down the rebellion Industrialization and the exploitation of workers led to a revolt
End of War Armistice- a cease fire of war by truce or treaty November 11 th 1918 Veterans day is the holiday we celebrate to honor the veterans of ww I Treaty of Versailles Where Versailles located? France Who participated? Allies France, Great Britain, U.S. Were the losing countries treated equally in terms of punishment? Why? The victors from World War One were in no mood to be charitable to the defeated nations and Germany in particular was held responsible for the war and its consequences.
End of War Another factor in the treatment of Germany Spanish Influenza (epidemic) Killed over 25 million people in Europe in 1918, and the focus of hatred was towards Germany. In the end Germany was crippled by the treaty of Versailles economically (Inflation), military (restrictions on size of armies and navies), and led the German people to suffer starvation and unemployment, which caused resentment towards Great Britain and France.
14 points & League of Nations Wilson and his 14 points Speech delivered to congress which outlined his plan to prevent another world war which contained 14 points or goals. 1) End alliances 14) A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. His speech was to enable all combatents some sense of responsibility for the war but to keep individual nations a sense of pride.
14 points & League of Nations Paris Peace Conference-Jan 1919 Peace treaty-Treaty of Versailles Whose at Fault? The French insisted that the German state be held responsible for reparations payment for loss of life and money 1921 Reparations committee rules that Germany owes $33 Billion Dollars Germany at first refuses the treaty states that it violates Wilson’s 14 points, but under the threat of invasion by the allies Germany is forced to sign
14 points & League of Nations Wilson and his 14 points League of Nations All nations of the world would join together to ensure security and peace for all its members An attack on one member of the league is an attack on all The rest of the world didn’t agree with Wilson and even the United States Congress voted no to join the League of Nations What effect did the League of Nations have on world politics?