Russian Revolution END OF THE ROMANOV’S
Russia under Nicholas II Nicholas II- Romanov family Czar in 1894 at age 26 Did NOT want to become czar Ruled as autocrat
Attempts at Modernization Russia was weak and undeveloped Sergei Witte- czar’s minister 1900 worked for industrialization Foreign experts brought in Trans-Siberian RR completed Increased taxes Borrowed money from foreigners
Unrest Develops from Urbanization Peasants left farms for factories Workers unhappy with low standard of living and little political power Upper-class resented power of foreign companies Critics look to a new form of government
Russian Revolution Lenin Stalin
Lenin and the Bolsheviks Vladimir Ilyich Lenin- studied Marx Brother was executed for plot against the czar 1895 Lenin was arrested and sent to Siberia for political activities then left Russia for 17 years In Europe Lenin continued his anti- czarist activities
Russian Marxists Split Both groups agreed Russia was not industrialized or capitalist Mensheviks – “minority” Socialist revolution needed to wait until proletariat grows Bolsheviks – “majority” Form secret group to help workers revolt Secret group would rule until proletariat ready
Russian Marxists Split Both groups agreed Russia was not industrialized or capitalist Mensheviks – “minority” Socialist revolution needed to wait until proletariat grows Bolsheviks – “majority” Form secret group to help workers revolt Secret group would rule until proletariat ready
Revolution of Russia defeated in Russo- Japanese War Workers in St. Petersburg revolt Soviets formed- representative council for the people October Manifesto- Czar gives constitution Duma- first parliament, czar had veto power
WWI Russia interested in Balkans brings her into war Nicholas goes to front to rally troops Alexandra left to rule with Rasputin “Holy man” who could control Alexis’ hemophilia 1916 Nobles kill Rasputin- felt their power threatened
The March Revolution Causes: Defeats of war Discontent (food, fuel shortage) Weaknesses of autocracy Strike led by women textile workers in Petrograd Soldiers turn on officers, not people
Results of March Revolution Nicholas II abdicates Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky Russia stays in WWI Western-style parliamentary govt. People unhappy
Petrograd Soviet Competes with Provisional Govt. for control Favored withdrawal from WWI Favored radical social reform for workers and peasants Actually held more power than Provisional Govt.
Three Government Choices Russia lost faith in govt, Lenin is returned by Germans 1. Parliamentary Govt- order through Democratic reform (Provisional) 2. Military Dictatorship- restore order by armed force
Three Govt. Choices cont… 3. Rule by workers’ and soldiers’ soviets Petrograd Soviet controlled by Lenin and Bolsheviks Offered: land, food, and self- determination to non-Russians People wanted real change: Who would they favor and why?
Fall 1917… “All power to the soviets” Bolshevik Revolution Nov. 7- Leon Trotsky, leading Lenin’s supporters, seized government Provisional Govt. officials arrested Communists come to power
State-building under Lenin Chaos worsened under Bolsheviks No effective govt. or army No food, commerce, or industry Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918) Bolsheviks/Communists decide to eliminate ALL opposition
Treaty of Brest Litovsk Signed with Germany Lost Finland, possessions in Poland, Baltic States, Ukraine Treaty cancelled when Germany lost war Finland, Baltic States gained independence
Civil War Breaks Out “Whites”- opponents of Bolsheviks, aided by West Parliamentary Govt. supporters Czarist defenders Moderate Socialists “Reds”- Communists “Greens”- Ukrainian peasants Want independence
Communist Dictatorship Terror Tactics Economic Policy Kronstadt Rebellion Centralized Govt. Soviet Union Religious persecution Propaganda
Terror Tactics “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” Secret police used to kill and suspected opponents of govt.
Economics= War Communism Nationalization of industry, banks, foreign trade Draft used for labor and army Strikes forbidden Food taken from peasants and given to cities and armies ***Russia continues to decline***
Centralized Government Govt. moved to Kremlin- Moscow Politburo led new govt. unity stressed (thrown out) political parties banned only 1% of population was Communist (500,000) Decisions made at top (like czar) Party ran unions
State and Party Linked Soviets elected locally but led by Party Soviets district, regional, republic level Supreme Soviet- highest govt. authority Council of Ministers- Party members who made up executive branch
The Soviet Union Formed in 1922 by Communists 15 Republics based on nationalities Identical constitutions Controlled by Party Limited self-rule Self-determination in writing only
Religious Persecution Religion was threat State schools taught God did NOT exist Church seen as possible tool of control Land and property seized
Propaganda Govt. controlled and censored information Lenin tried to isolate USSR from West Party ideology enforced Marxism-Leninism