War Affects the World Chapter 13, Section 3
A Truly Global Conflict The European powers are looking for new allies The two countries not in the war: United States Italy
Fighting Rages Beyond Europe Ottoman Empire aligns themselves with the Central Powers The Allies go after the Dardanelles region Important because Leads to the capitol (Constantinople) Connects the Mediterranean and Black seas
Fighting Rages Beyond Europe By taking out the Turks the Allies could connect with Russia The Gallipoli campaign begins Multinational effort Turkish troops lead by German officers Ultimately it turns into another bloody stalemate Started in May ends in December 1915
Fighting Rages Beyond Europe Despite the loss in Gallipoli, 250,000 lost the fight against the Ottomans continues T. E. Lawrence, British soldier, leads an uprising of Arab nations against the Turks
Fighting Rages Beyond Europe Germany has an extensive colonial empire Japan overruns their holdings in China French and English attacked four African holdings, taking three of them Many subjects from colonies are brought into the war, by choice or force. Mohandas Gandhi favored the war, hoping to improve their status through cooperation
The United States Enters the War 1917 the war picks up on the seas The British blockaded Germany so the Germans do the same to Britain Any ship that enters British waters will be sunk This is known as unrestricted submarine warfare
The United States Enters the War This was not the first time the Germans did this In 1915 they sunk the Lusitania, passenger ship, killing 1,198 people 128 were U.S. citizens and it upset the U.S. public and President Wilson sent a protest to Germany Germany stopped this style of warfare until 1917
The United States Enters the War By going back to unrestricted sub warfare the Germans knew they would draw America into the war Hoping to defeat the British before America could enter The final straw, The Zimmerman Letter: Zimmerman, German foreign secretary, sent a letter to ambassador in Mexico stating: If Mexico took back the land America took from them Germany would lend support
The United States Enters the War Many Americans felt a bond with England So after the Lusitania, continued unrestricted sub warfare, and the Zimmerman Letter… The United States of America is in the war on April 2, 1917
War Affects the Home Front The war was now in its third year Europe had lost more men in those three years then in all wars over the past three centuries This war effected everything
Governments Wage Total War WWI is a total war Countries devote all their resources to the war effort The government takes control of the economy Factories are told what to make All able-body citizens are put to work They bring in workers as well
Governments Wage Total War Rationing People could only buy small amounts of certain goods needed for the war effort Governments suppressed antiwar activities Censorship Propaganda One-sided information designed to persuade the public’s opinion
The War’s Impact on Women Women now enter the workplace/force They replace men in the factories Most women left the workplace after the war but opinions about women’s roles in society are forever changed
The Allies Win the War When the United States entered the war the balance is tipped The Allies now have the advantage However, Russia gives the Germans a victory in the East
Russia Withdraws from the War March 1917, there is civil unrest in Russia Due in part to shortages Czar Nicholas faced a revolution He abdicated his thorn on March 15 By 1917 5.5 million soldiers are casualties Russian army no longer wants to fight
Russia Withdraws from the War November 1917, a second revolution takes place Lead by Vladimir Lenin, communist leader He takes power and offers a truce with Germany March 1918, Germany and Russia are no longer at war
A Failed Final Push The war is over with Russia so all the German troops head west The Germans launch an all out assault in March 1918 At first things are going well But the Germans spent everything to reach the Marne River Fresh U.S. troops and the Allies counter-attack
Allies Final Push In July 1918, the second Battle of Marne is fought With 350 tanks and 2 million U.S. troops leading the way the Allies slowly push into Germany
Allies Final Push The Central Powers start to collapse Belgium and Ottomans surrender In October 1918, Austria-Hungary goes into revolutions and they are out Germany, the soldiers mutinied and the public turns against the Kaiser
Allies Final Push November 9, 1918 the Kaiser steps down Germany is now a republic They signed two armistice Agreement to stop fighting On November 11, 1918 the war comes to an end Leaders of Europe gather outside Paris to create a new Peace