JAG/ODAA Spring 2010 COPC Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs: Mr. James Vermeulen, FNMOC Mr. James Vermeulen, FNMOC Dr. Bradley Ballish, NCEP Dr. Bradley Ballish, NCEP Exec. Secretary: Mr. Anthony Ramirez, OFCM Mr. Anthony Ramirez, OFCM
2 Overview ODAA Roster ODAA Roster Significant Accomplishments and Significant Accomplishments and On-going Activities On-going Activities Action Items Action Items New Issues New Issues
3 ODAA Roster Sub-groups Conventional data Conventional data Satellite data Satellite data Satellite data assimilation Satellite data assimilation
4 JAG/ODAA Roster SatelliteSatellite Data AssimilationConventional FNMOC Mr James Vermeulen (Co-chair) Ms. Leslie Baran Mr. Russell Schwanz NCEP Dr. Bradley Ballish (Co-chair) Dr. James Yoe (JCSDA) AFWA Mr. Eric Wise Mr. Dennis HobsonMr. John EylanderMr. Al Zamiska Mr. Jonathan Whiteside NOAA/NESDIS Mr. Vincent Tabor Mr. Norman Johansen
5 JAG/ODAA Roster Satellite Satellite Data Assimilation Conventional JCSDA Dr. Sid Boukabara NAVO Mr. Bruce McKenzieMr. Kyle Rushing NWS Mr. Walter Smith NOAA/NDBC Mr. William Burnett NOAA/OAR Dr. Stephen Piotrowicz NOAA/NCDC Mr. Daniel Manns Mr. Timothy Owen NPOESS/IPO /DPD (TBD) Mr Richard Ullman (NASA) /GSD (TBD) Ms. Marge Ripley (NOAA) OFCM Mr. Anthony Ramirez (Exec. Secretary)
6 Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities Satellite data requests Satellite data requests Transmit rain rate EDRs, Level 2 Data to AFWA (4 requests) Transmit rain rate EDRs, Level 2 Data to AFWA (4 requests) Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Completed -- Closed Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Completed -- Closed Transmit Polar-Cloud Drift Winds, Level 2 data to AFWA Transmit Polar-Cloud Drift Winds, Level 2 data to AFWA Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Completed -- Closed Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Completed -- Closed Transmit 4 km Snow Cover Files to AFWA Transmit 4 km Snow Cover Files to AFWA Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Open Requestor: AFWA/2WXG Provider: NESDIS Status: Open Transmit 1km AVHRR FRAC Transmit 1km AVHRR FRAC Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: To Be Submitted Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: To Be Submitted Transmit TPW from AMSRE Transmit TPW from AMSRE Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: Closed
7 Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities Transmit High Res (1km, 500m, 250m) MODIS Transmit High Res (1km, 500m, 250m) MODIS Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDISStatus: To Be Submitted Transmit Windsat Data (ocean EDRs, soil moisture) Transmit Windsat Data (ocean EDRs, soil moisture) Requestor: AFWA Provider: FNMOC Status: Open Requestor: AFWA Provider: FNMOC Status: Open Transmit DMSP F-18 SSMIS EDR SDR TDR UPP Data Requestor: NESDIS Provider: FNMOC Status: Closed Transmit N-19 SBUV data Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDISStatus: Closed Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDISStatus: Closed Transmit GOME-2 data Transmit GOME-2 data Requestor: FNMOC Provider: NESDIS Status: To Be Submitted
8 JAG/ODAA Action Items Conventional Data Sub Group BUFR bulletin data type and description information for OPCs BUFR bulletin data type and description information for OPCs NCEP-developed and NWS/TOC-implemented application derives the type of data contained in BUFR bulletins and creates an inventory file NCEP-developed and NWS/TOC-implemented application derives the type of data contained in BUFR bulletins and creates an inventory file BUFR inventory file implemented and available using a link available on the JAG/ODAA web site: BUFR inventory file implemented and available using a link available on the JAG/ODAA web site: AFWA, NAVOCEANO, and FNMOC users have used this capability, found it very useful, and expressed their gratitude to Jeff Ator NCEP and Walter Smith NWS/TOC for their work in establishing this capability. AFWA, NAVOCEANO, and FNMOC users have used this capability, found it very useful, and expressed their gratitude to Jeff Ator NCEP and Walter Smith NWS/TOC for their work in establishing this capability.
9 JAG/ODAA Action Items Subsurface Oceanographic BUFR Data GTS dissemination NAVOCEANO has transitioned profiling float data into BUFR patterned after the ARGO profiling float template NAVOCEANO has transitioned profiling float data into BUFR patterned after the ARGO profiling float template NAVO is ready to transmit these data over the GTS, as is ARGO, and needs a template to put these data into groups for dissemination via the GTS NAVO is ready to transmit these data over the GTS, as is ARGO, and needs a template to put these data into groups for dissemination via the GTS NWS/TOC building collective to satisfy this need. NWS/TOC building collective to satisfy this need.
10 JAG/ODAA Action Items Review of Draft U.S. BUFR Migration Plan NCEP’s Jeff Ator is leading the development of a U.S. BUFR Migration plan NCEP’s Jeff Ator is leading the development of a U.S. BUFR Migration plan Group comments to the plan were completed and submitted Group comments to the plan were completed and submitted Implementation timelines will be reviewed at the next WMO meeting and will likely be revised with more realistic U.S. timelines. Implementation timelines will be reviewed at the next WMO meeting and will likely be revised with more realistic U.S. timelines. JAG/ODAA recommends continuing the ongoing ascii to BUFR conversion efforts. JAG/ODAA recommends continuing the ongoing ascii to BUFR conversion efforts. The JAG/ODAA will actively solicit feedback from OPC members on their ongoing conversion experiences. The JAG/ODAA will actively solicit feedback from OPC members on their ongoing conversion experiences.
11 JAG/ODAA Action Items Comparison of Fixed Weather Site Dictionaries Comparison of upper air dictionaries resulted in operational improvements Comparison of upper air dictionaries resulted in operational improvements Current phase: comparison of surface dictionaries Current phase: comparison of surface dictionaries Tests show that changing the TOC dictionary used to make pseudo-synoptic reports from METAR data should be more accurate using field elevations from ASOS dictionary Tests show that changing the TOC dictionary used to make pseudo-synoptic reports from METAR data should be more accurate using field elevations from ASOS dictionary NCEP, ASOS, Canadian, WMO and FAA airport dictionaries show a large number of differences in location and elevation NCEP, ASOS, Canadian, WMO and FAA airport dictionaries show a large number of differences in location and elevation At NCEP, sites with large location errors show large surface pressure variance versus the model background and sites with large elevation errors show large surface pressure biases versus the background, especially in Canada At NCEP, sites with large location errors show large surface pressure variance versus the model background and sites with large elevation errors show large surface pressure biases versus the background, especially in Canada
12 JAG/ODAA Action Items (cont’d) Surface dictionary comparison and correction difficulties: Surface dictionary comparison and correction difficulties: Many different and difficult dictionary formats Many different and difficult dictionary formats Many dictionaries do not have METAR or synoptic IDs Many dictionaries do not have METAR or synoptic IDs Airport files do not provide detailed information on elevations and locations of the measurements Airport files do not provide detailed information on elevations and locations of the measurements No single organization provides information on all surface sites, even for US sites No single organization provides information on all surface sites, even for US sites Considerable bureaucratic effort to get information Considerable bureaucratic effort to get information Dr. Ballish will meet with OFCM’s Committee for Integrated Observing Systems (CIOS) to present these issues and ask how the OPCs can routinely obtain accurate, high resolution site metadata for the U.S. Dr. Ballish will meet with OFCM’s Committee for Integrated Observing Systems (CIOS) to present these issues and ask how the OPCs can routinely obtain accurate, high resolution site metadata for the U.S.
13 JAG/ODAA Action Items Report upper air station location error findings (from dictionary comparisons) to WMO to correct station location information NWS/TOC will send the information to the WMO NWS/TOC will send the information to the WMO Create notification list for conventional data problem notifications OPCs and other significant conventional data users may not be receiving notification of conventional data problems when they are discovered by NCEP or other OPCs. OPCs and other significant conventional data users may not be receiving notification of conventional data problems when they are discovered by NCEP or other OPCs. An group called the data alert group was created. The address is An group called the data alert group was created. The address is A table listing of the members will be maintained on the JAG/ODAA web page. A table listing of the members will be maintained on the JAG/ODAA web page. This has already been successfully used towards correcting operational aircraft waypoint decoding problems This has already been successfully used towards correcting operational aircraft waypoint decoding problems
14 JAG/ODAA Action Items NWS Gateway Data Request Procedures Developed guidance for routine and priority requests for operational data from NWS Gateway Developed guidance for routine and priority requests for operational data from NWS Gateway Available for quick reference on JAG/ODAA web page Available for quick reference on JAG/ODAA web page Radiosonde Replacement System (RRS) Update Mr. Joseph Facundo, Chief of the Observing Systems Branch, Field Systems Operations Center, NOAA/NWS, provided an overview of the status of the RRS. Mr. Joseph Facundo, Chief of the Observing Systems Branch, Field Systems Operations Center, NOAA/NWS, provided an overview of the status of the RRS. Centers can test using the BUFR data product available from NCDC Centers can test using the BUFR data product available from NCDC Establishing a task subgroup to address RRS data protocol issues (formats, packaging, processing, latency etc.) Establishing a task subgroup to address RRS data protocol issues (formats, packaging, processing, latency etc.) Obtaining WMO’s BUFR sequence format for NWP Obtaining WMO’s BUFR sequence format for NWP
15 JAG/ODAA Action Items Satellite Data Sub Group Obtain level 1b MODIS and IASI data for conversion to proxy NPOESS HDF5 products for testing IPO advised that NPOESS proxy data is now available from MODIS data on both TERRA and AQUA satellites and produces VIIRS-like data with useful results IPO advised that NPOESS proxy data is now available from MODIS data on both TERRA and AQUA satellites and produces VIIRS-like data with useful results Data is available, staged on the Casanosa server and is accessible Data is available, staged on the Casanosa server and is accessible Will continue to monitor the availability of the data stream from Casanosa or pursue own encoding Will continue to monitor the availability of the data stream from Casanosa or pursue own encoding via current operationally transmitted data
16 JAG/ODAA Action Items Satellite Data Assimilation Sub Group GOES Experimental Hourly Winds Product NESDIS produces an experimental hourly GOES wind product FNMOC is interested in access to this data for testing for operational NWP use Determining if the data can be made available in an ad hoc mode to enable testing
17 New Issues AFWA Proposal: AFWA’s Technical Director requests JAG/ODAA serve as a forum to host a F2F Data Summit AFWA Proposal: AFWA’s Technical Director requests JAG/ODAA serve as a forum to host a F2F Data Summit Discussed by JAG/ODAA Discussed by JAG/ODAA Concern: JAG/ODAA Scope/Terms of Reference Concern: JAG/ODAA Scope/Terms of Reference Alternative Option: Hold as part of AMS Conference Alternative Option: Hold as part of AMS Conference
18 OPCs: OPCs: Acquiring Korean COMS-1 Satellite data Acquiring Korean COMS-1 Satellite data Investigate feasibility of acquiring the Korean Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite-1 (COMS-1) Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) and Meteorological Imager (MI) data, potentially from AFWA. This satellite is scheduled to be launched in April Delivery of NAVO SST data to NCEP/EMC Delivery of NAVO SST data to NCEP/EMC Work with NCEP and OSDPD to arrange delivery of NAVO SST data to the Environmental Modeling Center. The current system used to make NAVO SST data available to EMC will be discontinued within a year.
19 JAG/ODAA Initiatives JAG/ODAA Initiatives Review FOUO designation for ESDA TR-1 Review FOUO designation for ESDA TR-1 Terms of Reference revision Terms of Reference revision Conventional Data Annex Development Conventional Data Annex Development
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