COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Hazard :-- It will cause ill effect to our health, Hazards are classified into biological, chemical and physical hazards. Biological Hazard :-- It includes microorganisms like bacteria, Virus, Fungi's, Algae, and toxigenic Plants and animals. IMPORTANCE OF HACCP
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. Chemical Hazard :-- It includes antibiotic, pesticides, insecticides, and cleaning compounds. Physical Hazard :--It includes stones, glass pieces, plastics pieces and needles etc. Analysis : -- We should analyze the presence of hazard on the basis of Critical Control Point. Critical Control Point :-- It can be prevented, eliminated or reduce to an acceptable level.
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. From 18th Dec.1997 it has become mandatory that every food industry should maintain HACCP. Pre-requisites Programmed :-HACCP is not stand alone, it is based on GMP and SSOP GMP :-- Good Manufacturing Practice, it includes Personal Hygiene Supplier declaration Construction and Maintenance of Establishment
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. Personal Hygiene :--It is individual efforts that one undertake to preserve physical, mental, and social health. It includes Bathing Grooming Jewellery Foot Wear Cosmetics
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. Suppliers Declarations :-- Take a suppliers certificate that states, it is free from antibiotics, pesticides, and insecticides. Construction and Maintenance of Establishment :-- Establishment should be constructed according to some rules and regulations.
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. SSOP :-- Sanitary Standard Operating Procedure.It includes 8- SSOP Safety water and Ice Cleaning food contact surface, utilities, wearing clean uniform and gloves. Prevention from cross contamination. Hand washing and Toilet facilities. Prevention from adulteration. Toxic Compounds. Employees health condition Exclusion of Pests
COMPILED BY :CHEF SIRAJ SHAIKH. PRINCIPLES Of HACCP :-- There are 7- principles of HACCP. Hazard Analysis. Critical Control Point. Establishing Critical Limit. Monitoring techniques. Correctives Action. Verification. Record Keeping and Documentation.