Book I Module Six The Internet &Telecommunications Writing Part 辽宁省实验中学 信 华
Outline ◆ Introduction Why I choose to teach this lesson? Why I choose to teach this lesson? ◆ Teaching Approaches How to teach the lesson? How to teach the lesson? ◆ Teaching Procedure What’s in the lesson? What’s in the lesson? ◆ Conclusion What comes after the lesson? What comes after the lesson?
Introduction From Book I Module 6 Writing part Why do I choose this teaching material? Writing may be seen to occupy an equal role with the other language skills.
Teaching approaches & studying methods
Process — oriented approaches ★ setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing, revising and editing. ★ Show some writing modules, some useful words and expressions to make the students know how to express Agree & Disagree ★ an organizer, a listener and a helper
A student — centered class ★ work in groups– team work & individual activity ★ organized debate or discussion ---- logical thinking & reasoning ---- producing, reflecting on, discussion, reworking
Teaching Procedure steps
Step 1. Greetings Step 2. Lead – in (1 min) 1. Can we learn all we need on the Internet? 2. Is it necessary to have a teacher in the classroom to give lessons?
Step 3. Brainstorming---- Group Discussion (3mins) Group A: The Internet—based learning Group B: The conventional teaching methods
Step 4. Debate (4mins) Group A: The Internet—based learning Group B: The conventional teaching methods
Google, Baidu Surf the net website get access to Cyber Internet —based learning
teacher, blackboard, chalk teamwork homework note-- taking Conventional Teaching Methods
Step 5. Listing (4mins) Topicadvantagesdisadvantages Internet based 2. learning 3. 4.
Step 5. Listing (4mins) Topicadvantagesdisadvantages conventional 1. teaching 2. methods 3. 4.
Step 6: Read the short essay given in Page 56 and answer the question. ( 2 mins) Let the students read the materials given in the textbook carefully. Ask the students the question: What is the main idea of the passage?
Step 7: Introduce some writing modules about agree or disagree.(5mins) I. Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that __________________. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that _______________________. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. I agree with the statement that _____________________without teachers ________________________________. Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that ___________________________________. In a word, _______________________________. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion ______________.
II. Some people argue as if it were a general truth that__________________. But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no agreement on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here. Another reason why disagree with the above statement is that I believe_______. What is more, some students are interested in__________________. In a word, ______________________.
III. The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point of view, _________________________ as important as, if not more important than, _______________________. So it is sagacious to ________________________. Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows: The main reason for my propensity for ___________is that ___________________________. Another reason can be seen by every person is ____________________. Furthermore,_______________________. In short, _____________________.
Step 8: Provide some useful words and expressions for the students. (3 mins) In my opinion… I don’t agree with this opinion… It’s very important to… It would be very difficult to… First ( To begin with, First of all ),Second ( Besides, in addition to ),Third ( Moreover, Furthermore, What’s more, To make matters worse, What is more serious ),Finally ( Last but not the least ). But, However, Nevertheless, By contrast… Therefore, Thus, As a result, As a consequence… On one hand… on the other hand, For one thing…for another… Personally, as far as I’m concerned… When it comes to…, in terms of … In summary, In short, In conclusion, To sum up, In a word, In brief…
Step 9: Rough drafting (10 mins) The students will write down a complete essay with 100 words within 10 minutes. Step 10: Peer evaluation and responding ( 5 mins) The students will exchange their draft in pairs. First, read the neighbor’s draft. Secondly, correct the mistakes with a red pen, including spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes etc. Thirdly, assess the point of view with the neighbor.
Step 11: Share a model of the essay written by the teacher with the students. (2mins) I don’t agree with this opinion, especially in regard to / in terms of learning English. In my opinion, though the importance of studying English with the help of the internet and other new media can not be overlooked, the role of a teacher and a class is of equal significance for it. In the first place, the information and learning content either in books or on net are too much for us to deal with. It is the teacher who selects, rearranges and systematizes them, making the learning process much easier and more efficient. Secondly, acquiring a language in a team, say, a class can enable us to have more opportunities of practicing and cooperating with partners. As we all know, how important a good environment is for language learning. Last but not least, spending too much time looking at a computer is not only a time issue, it will surely do great harm to our eyes. In a word, both the novel and conventional means of language learning have their irreplaceable advantages and the only wise thing for us to do is to perfectly combine them.
Step 12: Homework ( 1 min) Write down another short essay about the advantages of using the Internet and evaluate it in pairs.
Conclusion: Within the communicative framework of language teaching, the skill of writing enjoys special status----it is via writing that a person can communicate a variety of messages to a close or distant, known or unknown reader or readers. Such communication is extremely important in the modern world, whether the interaction takes the form of traditional paper-and pencil writing or the most technologically advanced electronic mail. Writing as a communicative activity needs to be encouraged and nurtured during the language learner’s course of study.
References: 1.Michael H.Long, Jack C. Richards Methodology in TESOL Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press 2.Marianne Celce—Murcia Teaching English As a Second of Foreign Language Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press 3.David Nunan Second Language Teaching and Learning Heinle &Heinle/Thomson Learning Asia, Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press 4.Tricia Hedge Teaching and Learning in the Language classroom Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
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