English 370 Melissa Gunby Spring 2012 January 23, 2012
This is English 370, English Fundamentals. English 370 is a “skills” course which will focus on the development of various analytical, critical, mechanical and grammatical skills and techniques. Throughout this course you will read and write a variety of paragraphs and essays and other materials to develop these skills in preparation for English 1. By the end of the semester you should be able to read critically and synthesize information from a text, as well as write to expose your ideas and information. Welcome!
Before I start going over things, what questions do you have about this class? Questions?
English 370 has a concurrent lab session. Students will sign up for 4 hours per week This class meets in the lab for group 2 (Friday March 16 – Wednesday May 16) We will have lab orientation next week. You can sign up for lab hours next Monday after orientation or beginning on Feb. 13. If you do not complete the lab requirement, you will not pass this class. Lab
Completion of the 370 Lab 5 essays Reflection memo Weekly homework Course Requirements
We will be reading a novel in this class to develop some vocabulary, critical reading, and critical thinking skills. Weekly reading assignments, vocab, reading journal Group project: novel presentation essay Ender’s Game
We have 17 weeks of intense learning to do together, so I want you to get to know each other. We also have one group project in this class. Each of you has an identity taped to your back. Your task is to figure out who you are only asking yes or no questions of your classmates. Once you figure out who you are, you need to find your “partner(s).” Some groups have 2. Some have 3, and some have 5. When you find your partner(s), sit together and introduce your real self. I will then assign partner groups to be the novel presentation groups. Multi-purpose Activity
I want to end class tonight and begin the semester by getting an idea of everyone’s writing. Please respond to ONE of the topics on the handout provided. Please turn in all brainstorming/pre-writing along with your final draft. This is a diagnostic assignment and will not have an impact upon your grade. Don’t worry about spelling and grammar. Diagnostic Writing Activity
Purchase all texts. Please get the most current edition of Reading Critically, Writing Well (red cover). Chapter 1 in the red book (Reading Critically): answer all 9 writing questions Chapter 1 in Ender’s Game, complete vocabulary and reading journal Homework