Susceptibility- Lack of resistance to a disease Resistance/ immunity- Ability to ward off disease Innate (nonspecific) immunity- Resistance to all microbes; present from birth (can be species specific) Adaptive (specific) resistance- Resistance to a specific pathogen Immunity
Host defense systems Figure Overview (1 of 3)
First line of defense- skin -Physical factors -Chemical factors -Microbiota
First line of defense- mucosal surfaces -Physical factors * Mucous production * Cilia * Hairs
First line of defense- mucosal surfaces -Physical factors -Chemical factors -Normal microbiota
First line of defense- lacrimal apparatus -Physical factors -Chemical factors
Second line of defense- blood cells! Bruce Wetzel (photographer). Harry Schaefer (photographer) National Cancer Institute
Table 16.1 (2 of 3) Second line of defense- blood cells!
Table 16.1 (3 of 3) Second line of defense- blood cells!
Type of cellIncreaseDecrease RBCErythrocytosis Polycythemia Anemia WBCsLeukocytosisLeukopenia - lymphocytesLymphocytosisLymphocytopenia - granulocytesGranylocytosisGranulocytopenia - neutrophilsNeutrophiliaNeutropenia - eosinophilsEosinophiliaEosinopenia Platelets ThrombocytosisThrombocytopenia ALL cell lines Pancytopenia Complete blood count (CBC)
Figure 16.6 Figure Overview Processes: Phagocytosis
Chemicals released by damaged cells that cause: - Vasodilation - Increased permeability - Activation of Complement system Processes: Inflammation
Processes: The Complement System Activation of complement proteins will: 1. Enhance phagocytosis 2. Punch holes in microbes 3. Cause inflammation