By: Scott Bruno and Nick Kreiger
Steroids are commonly classified as anabolic and corticosteroids. A large group of naturally occurring and synthetic lipids. Steroids speed up muscle growth and increases performance.
Oral Anadrol Oxandrolone Dianbol Winstrol Injectable Boldenone Dihydrotestosteroe Nortestosterone
Builds up body mass and strength of muscles and bones. Increases delivery of oxygen to tissues. Increase alertness and aggressiveness. Reduce fatigue and weight.
Liver Damage Gynocomastia (development of breast tissue for males) Acne Roid Rage Baldness Cardiovascular Problems Stunted Growth Prostate Enlargement Kidney Problems High Blood Pressure
Anabolic steroids most beneficial Treats anemia (low red blood count) Can help control breast cancer To improve severe weight loss during severe illness Treat osteoporosis
Used for inflammation of blood vessels Rheumatoid Arthritis Lupus Can be organ saving May help prevention of kidney inflammation
The Adolescents Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids Educating students on how harmful steroids are 1 year program showed significant results Half the incidence of new abuse of anabolic steroids and less intention to abuse them in the future Less abuse of alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, and narcotics Less likelihood of engaging in hazardous substance abuse behaviors such as drinking and driving
Babies born before 37 th week May impair the development of the brain and maintain normal blood pressure Steroid is originally used to speed the baby’s lung development before birth Affects cerebellum only (important in motor control, balance, language, behavior
Jose Canseco Arnold Schwarzenegger Marion Jones Chris Beniot Alex Rodriguez Barry Bonds*
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