Maritime spatial planning – approaches for effectiveness evaluation Søren Anker Pedersen, ETC/Water 1 st EEA/EIONET workshop – Maritime 26 Oct 2010 at.


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Presentation transcript:

Maritime spatial planning – approaches for effectiveness evaluation Søren Anker Pedersen, ETC/Water 1 st EEA/EIONET workshop – Maritime 26 Oct 2010 at European Environment Agency, Copenhagen

1.What is Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)? 2.MSP and fisheries in German offshore waters (The EMPAS project – MSP in practice)

1) What is Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)? MSP a tool to: - optimize the human used of the marine ecosystem - optimize benefits from ecosystem goods and services The purpose… Achieve Good Environmental Status within the marine ecosystems, while promoting long-term sustainable use of marine resources - within the framework and guidance of EU Maritime Policy

MSP does not lead to a one-time plan. It is a continuing, iterative process that learns and adapts over time. Figure from: Guide on MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING – A Step-by-Step Approach toward Ecosystem-based Management by Charles Ehler and Fanny Douvere, UNESCO, 2009.

The PlanCoast Project Step 1: Assessing the context and establishing a general framework for IMSP Step 2: Drawing up a guiding vision Step 3: Refining the stocktake and mapping Step 4: Analysis: identifying issues and problems Step 5: Developing solutions for the problems identified Step 6: Drawing up a plan Step 7: Implementation Step 8: Evaluation

From WWF BaltSeaPlan project Brochure, 2010

2. MSP and fisheries in German offshore waters (The EMPAS project – MSP in practice)

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) responsible for: selection, designation, management ICES advice on fisheries management in N2K sites Environmentally Sound Fisheries Management in Marine Protected Areas (EMPAS) project North Sea Baltic Sea

FFH-Annex II Marine Mammals Harbour porpoise, Harbour Seal, Grey Seal BD Annex I and migratory bird species Red-throated Diver, Black-throated Diver, Terns, Common Scoter, Long- tailed duck, etc. FFH-Annex II Fish Species Shad, Twaite Shad, Hounting, River Lamprey, Sea Lamprey, Sturgeon NATURA 2000-protected habitats and species in the North Sea Habitat-Directive (FFH-Directive) and the Bird Directive (BD) Benthic commuities FFH-HabitatsSandbank, Reefs

Sylt Outer Reef Protected habitat types: " sandbanks " and " reefs " Borkum Reef Ground Dogger Bank Natura 2000 sites

1. Mapping of fishing activities and effort; 2. Analysis of impact of fishing activities on habitats and species; 3. Identify conflicts between fishing activities and nature conservation objectives/targets; 4.Develop management options The EMPAS Project: Targets For each designated Natura 2000 site in the German EEZ:

Natura 2000 sites and International Fisheries Example: 2004

Example: All Dutch VMS data 2006

Fock et al., 2007 Example: Sylt Outer Reef

Example: Fock et al., 2007

Impact of bottom trawls on "sandbanks" and "reefs" Benthic habitats and typical species: -Destructive effects of bottom contacting gear Conflict analysis: Fishing activities and nature conservation targets

Consultation and cooperation with fishers: -Fishing track plotters (GPS), sea charts, and personal experiences -Explain fisheries data and misunderstandings -Contribute VMS data and fishery information -Find solutions to conflicts Fine scale distribution of fishing activities

The EMPAS project results and the future From no-change option to partial and full closures for fisheries The EMPAS results are starting points to develop a management strategy for Natura 2000 sites Final management plans have not yet been developed/implemented The revised CFP should harmonize different national approaches/proposals to Natura 2000 management

Maritime Spatial Planning German EEZ North Sea Berkenhagen et al. (2010) 2020: 12,000 MW 2030: 25,000 MW

Useful information in MSP and trade-off evaluation are: cumulative losses (benefit losses) costs of displacement of fishing effort to other areas habitats affected by the wind farm influence species possible benefits: a) new species attracted by the different habitats, b) marine aquaculture or c) the closure leads to increasing catch possibilities outside cumulative effects of closing many areas for fishing (wind farms, military areas, shipping lines, Natura 2000 areas, etc.) MSP and fisheries in the German EEZ - cumulative losses and benefits Wind farm approvals case-by-case overlooks the cumulative impact of planned and projected wind farms on fisheries Better understanding of the impact of wind farms establishments on individual vessels, fishing association and harbour towns in future

Summary Uniform approach to data collection, harmonization and classification Coherent ecological information Coherent information on human activities Identify scientific principles/methodologies for e.g. assessing multiple pressures, environmental status assessment etc. Link economic values to ecosystem benefits Considering economical and social impacts in line with ecological impacts will increase the willingness for seeking a sound and sustainable compromise

Monitoring the conservation status

DocHab-04-03/03 rev.3