The High Voltage, Monitoring and Control systems of the Hadronic and Electromagnetic calorimeters are essentially slow control based, and therefore are independent on data taking and can be kept for upgrade. The components of the present CALO DCS based on SPECS bus: HV-LED boards; integrator readout boards (INTEG) (readout of HCAL PMT anode currents); LEDTSB boards. Should be changed to a GBT-based protocol. The system of the 137 Cs source motion control communicates via CANbus will be able to work as is after upgrade. There are other types of boards, which are controlled and powered by the control boards and not communicate with DCS: CW bases (+PMTs); HCAL integrator frontend boards; LED driver boards; PIN modules. Upgrade DCS
Each of the HV-LED, INTEG and LEDTSB have a SPECS and Control mezzanines. Upgrade DCS SPECS slave mezzanine control mezzanine same for HV-LED, INTEG and LEDTSB, but with different f/w (Anatoli)
Inventory HV-LEDINTEGLEDTSB ECAL34-8 HCAL842 PMT-CWLED driversPIN ampINT frontend ECAL HCAL Total of 56 SPECS slave mezzanines GBT-SCA
Each HV-LED, INTEG and LEDTSB board is equipped with a SPECS slave mezzanine. The SPECS slave mezzanine provides, in particular, the following functionality: One long distance point to point differential SPECS interface (coming from the SPECS master) One unipolar SPECS local interface for multi-load bus applications One local and one long distance I2C bus (LEDTSB) One JTAG bus One parallel bus: 16 bit data + 8 address (HV-LED, INTEG, LEDTSB) One decoder for the channel B of the TTCrx One DCU chip with 12 bit resolution (HV-LED) ECS (GBT) For upgrade ECS, one can use the GBT-SCA circuit, which provides similar (and richer) functionality: The baseline: a SCA mezzanine with the same form factor and functionality as the SPECS mezzanines From Kostas: the GBT-SCA have been essentially re-designed. Footprint changed to 14x14 BGA, 12x12 mm 2. It will use only 1.5 V, consumption < 0.25 W. Documentation is expected in May. Level converters are necessary to work with 3.3V logic of control mezzanine Total 1.5 V power a linear regulator (L4913) will suffice. SPECS slave uses +5V and +3.3 V
The LEDTSB boards will use the infrastructure of the FEB crates where they are installed. In particular, they can use slow control lines of the crate. ECS (GBT) For the case of standalone HV-LED and INTEG boards, we will need to foresee fanout boards based on GBTX, which ensure communication of one DCS computer to several control boards. These fanout boards will be standalone, and mounted nearby the HV-LED & INTEG boards. Necessary number of power lines should be foreseen. The number of fanout boards will be determined by e-link maximum length and maximum number of GBT-SCA which can be served by one GBTX.