Finish MC questions Independently reread and answer the questions for the Yellowstone passage I will collect them in 12 minutes!!
“Batting Clean-up and Striking Out” Objective: To analyze an essay for how the author develops his message through the use of rhetorical techniques and humor; then write a rhetorical analysis by building on a previous person’s ideas
Quickwrite Are you ever baffled by the behavior of members of the opposite sex—or members of your own sex, if you often find yourself behaving differently from most of them? List traits of men or women that you find foreign or bewildering, such as: they do or do not want to talk about their feelings or they can spend countless hours watching sports on television or shopping.
Jigsaw Focused Reading Independently read Davy Barry’s commentary “Batting Clean-Up and Striking Out” page 261 – Everyone: Note places of humor – Person 1:Note exaggerations – Person 2: Note stereotypes or generalizations – Person 3: Note biased or heavy-handed diction – Make sure to note the paragraph number and cite only a few words
Thesis Statement Prompt: – Dave Barry has a gift for taking things at face value and rendering them funny on those grounds alone. Write an essay explaining the rhetorical techniques Barry uses to contrast two styles of dealing with a mess. Write a thesis statement – (PASTA or SOAPSTone) – He does (this) IN ORDER TO…..
Class Pass Analysis As a class we will write an analytical thesis statement that we can all agree on Prompt: – Dave Barry has a gift for taking things at face value and rendering them funny on those grounds alone. Write an essay explaining the rhetorical techniques Barry uses to contrast two styles of dealing with a mess.
Person 1 Introduce a citation from the beginning of the passage (paragraphs 1-2) Introduction of citation – Introduce where the citation appears in the text Paraphrase any information that is needed to give the context for the citation – Introduce any rhetorical devices that are being used (juxtaposition, (adj.) diction, metaphor, hyperbole, humor, irony, etc…) Citation – Citations should be 3-8 words only
Person 2 Write the analysis of the citation that is provided for you Analysis and Explanations – What is your understanding? – What is the effect for the intended audience? – How does it develop the message? – What purpose does this citation serve? – How does it develop the tone? – What does it say about the speaker and the speaker’s bias? – What is being said about societ?
Person 3 Introduce a citation from the beginning of the passage (paragraphs 1-2) Introduction of citation – Introduce where the citation appears in the text Paraphrase any information that is needed to give the context for the citation – Introduce any rhetorical devices that are being used (juxtaposition, (adj.) diction, metaphor, hyperbole, humor, irony, etc…) Citation – Citations should be 3-8 words only
Person 4 Write the analysis of the citation that is provided for you Analysis and Explanations – What is your understanding? – What is the effect for the intended audience? – How does it develop the message? – What purpose does this citation serve? – How does it develop the tone? – What does it say about the speaker and the speaker’s bias? – What is being said about societ?
Person 1 Return the essays back to the original group Conclude the essay by evaluating the effectiveness of the Barry’s rhetorical techniques – How well is the message conveyed?