7 th and 8 th Track and Field
All paperwork is available on our website, in this power point, or in the AMS office Get a physical-Physicals are good for 2 years One “F” Grade maximum – can still tryout and practice, need consistent grade checks to play All AMS fines paid $8 ASB Card – for purchase in the main office Proof of insurance Students are eligible based on their 3 rd Quarter Grades Pay to Play - ($65) per sport after team finalized Practice is five days a week from 2:35 to 4:15.
Students can participate in a variety of events ◦ Sprints ◦ Long Distance ◦ Hurdles ◦ Long Jump ◦ Discus ◦ High Jump ◦ Relays ◦ There are no tryouts, anyone that is interested can join; any grade level and gender!!!
Head Coach: Gil Gamble Assistant Coaches ◦ Dean Nakanishi ◦ Angel Ericksen ◦ 3 rd Asst. To Be Determined ◦ We have approximately 100+ students on the team every year. It’s a great way to be outside in great weather and teammates!!
May 3 Brier Terrace May 8 vs. Olympic View May 10 May 17 vs. Harbour Pointe May 24 Stadium for District Meet May 31 Stadium (Mukilteo) for League Preliminaries June 5 th – League Stadium (3:30 Start) All meets start at 3:45 unless noted
All paperwork and the physical must be completed by March 21 st to participate in the first practice. THE FIRST PRACTICE DATE IS APRIL 9 th. Students are still eligible to practice/play if their paperwork is turned in late, but can’t practice until everything is in March 21 st by 2:30 pm is the deadline for paperwork in order to practice the first day Ten practices need to be completed before an athlete is eligible to play in a game or match Season = Mid April to Early June
Health Needs ◦ Make sure medicine is turned into the office ◦ Make sure students have their inhalers Main Office hours are 7:30am – 3pm An activity bus can take your child home after practice and drop them off at a location close to their actual bus stop Students are expected to maintain their grades Study clubs are available Mon-Wed, Fri Practice is five days a week, be prepared!
..\Forms\Sport Forms\AD-1MS June 2010.pdf (Green Form, one per sport, please review carefully and sign)..\Forms\Sport Forms\AD-1MS June 2010.pdf ..\Forms\Sport Forms\AD - 3 MS June 2010.pdf (Cream Form, once a year, you do NOT have to fill out if you have already for a sport this year)..\Forms\Sport Forms\AD - 3 MS June 2010.pdf
Call or write Brian Stewart, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director ◦ ◦ Check out the AMS athletic website for more information ◦ /site/default.asp /site/default.asp