South African Weather Service “Authoritative Voice on Weather and Climate Information” Presentation by Dr. Makuleni: 31 May 2011 “UNDERSTANDING CLIMATE THROUGH WEATHER” Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Contents Statement of purpose and Vision Mission Quality Policy Statement Enterprise View Strategic Goals Strategic Drivers National priorities Alignment with DEA Outcome 10 Key Strategic Programmes Strategic Collaborations Achievements Financial projections Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE “To be the foremost provider of relevant services in respect of weather, climate and related products, which contribute to sustainable development in South Africa and the African Continent” VISION The South African Weather Service is the authoritative and legitimate provider of meteorological, climatological and related services for South Africa and the African Continent.” Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
MISSION “We, in line with our quality policy statement, provide useful and innovative weather, climate and related products and services for all South Africans and the African Continent, through: Enhancing observational data and communication networks; Effectively developing and managing talent; Enhancing collaborative partnerships and effectively disseminating weather products to users; Utilising cutting edge technology to convert data into meaningful products and services for risk mitigation; Advancing the science of meteorology, research and relevant applications; Enhancing fiscal discipline and optimal resource mobilisation to ensure sustainability; in order to inform decision making and contribute to the safeguarding of life and property” Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
VALUES “Professionalism: Self control and behaviour that is aligned to best business practices, and displays a high standard of excellence in the job. Integrity: A consistent sense of honesty, truthfulness and trust in one’s own actions while valuing others opinions and beliefs. Caring: A commitment to create a supportive environment that promotes compassion and understanding.(addition) Accountability: A commitment to take responsibility for things expected from the position and/or role occupied - Responsible for own actions. Recognition of Excellence: A willingness to identify, recognise and acknowledge individuals and teams who demonstrate outstanding performance. Teamwork: A willingness to work together towards achieving a common goal by making use of and / or appreciating individual’s diverse strengths and abilities. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
SAWS’ Quality Policy Statement ““In pursuing the achievement of its primary aim outlined above, and in meeting and exceeding client requirements and expectations in so doing, SAWS commits itself to the establishment and maintenance of a Quality Management System that will be its guarantee to all its clients by: Setting Quality Objectives that will improve processes that yield products and services Improving its existing products and services Improving its operational efficiency and effectiveness through careful planning and standardisation of all its processes, Recognising and responding to client requirements Providing resources needed for implementing and supporting continuous improvement. Reviewing its Quality Management Policy and its Quality Policy Statement Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
STRATEGIC GOALS 1.To ensure the continued relevance of meteorological products and services in compliance with all applicable regulatory frameworks- 2. To ensure the effective management of stakeholder, partner and key client relations. 3. To address fully the short-term viability and long-term sustainability of SAWS revenue and other resourcing requirements 4. To ensure optimised business integration and the organisational effectiveness of SAWS. 5. To create strategy-driven human capital capacity for SAWS' performance. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
STRATEGIC DRIVERS Compliance with, and achievement of, SAWS mandate Alignment with the National Programme of Action Balancing the grant and revenue generation imperative Achievement of international obligations Innovation to ensure broader reach and accessibility Adaption to technological advancement Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
STRATEGIC DRIVERS Enhancing Regional (SADC) and African (AU/NEPAD) positioning Mitigating the impact of climate change and variability on food sustainability, rural development and quality of life of South Africans Skills development and retention Leveraging collaborative relationships to enhance South Africa's ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
PRIORITYPROGRAMME SUPPORTED BY SAWS Priority 1: Speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods. -Disaster Risk Reduction programmes -150 years of climate information -Packaging of information to multi- sectors for planning, decision making and risk management -Infrastructure -Technological advancement and innovation -Research and development NATIONAL PRIORITIES and SAWS CONTRIBUTIONS Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
NATIONAL PRIORITIES and SAWS CONTRIBUTIONS PRIORITYPROGRAMME SUPPORTED BY SAWS Priority 2: An intensive programme to build economic and social infrastructure. -Infrastructure modernisation -Provision of information for support in decision making -Human Capital development -Commercial activities Priority 3: A comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security. -Corporate Social Investment programms Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
NATIONAL PRIORITIES and SAWS CONTRIBUTIONS PRIORITYPROGRAMME SUPPORTED BY SAWS Priority 4: Strengthen the skills and human resource base. -Training Centre for Meteorologists, Climatologists and Atmospheric Sciences -Teacher Development Programme -Bursary Scheme Priority 5: Improve the health profile of all South Africans. -Strategic collaborations SAAQIS Priority 6: Intensify the fight against crime and corruption. -Fiscal discipline -Sector information for planning and risk management Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
NATIONAL PRIORITIES and SAWS CONTRIBUTIONS PRIORITYPROGRAMME SUPPORTED BY SAWS Priority 8: Pursuing African advancement and enhanced international cooperation. -SAWS agent of WMO -Serves in ICAO, SOLAS, UNFCCC, SADC, MASA -Serves in WMO EC, Chairperson and Board member of MASA -Belongs to Antarctic, Kyoto, Environmental Protection, Transport, Communications and Meteorology Protocol and Treaties Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
NATIONAL PRIORITIES and SAWS CONTRIBUTIONS PRIORITYPROGRAMME SUPPORTED BY SAWS Priority 9: Sustainable Resource Management and use. -Climate Change and variability programmes viz: -Adaptation -Mitigation -Capacity building Priority 10: Building a developmental state including improvement of public services and strengthening democratic institutions. -Business integration -Organisational effectiveness - Joint-sector specific fora -Batho Pele principle - SAWS values Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ALIGNMENT WITH DEA OUTCOME 10 Protected and enhanced environmental assets and natural resources
ALIGNMENT WITH DEA OUTCOME Enhanced quality and quantity of water resources 2. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions, climate change & improved air / atmospheric quality Water resource protection Reduction of Emission of CO2 Reduction of Atmospheric pollutants Adapting to the impacts of climate change Energy Efficiency OUTPUTSSUB-OUTPUTS Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ALIGNMENT WITH DEA OUTCOME Protected biodiversity Reduced climate change impacts on biodiversity Protection of agricultural land OUTPUTSSUB-OUTPUTS Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Climate Change and Variability Programme Commercialisation Programme Human Capital Programme Infrastructure Modernisation; and Total Quality Management (ISO CERTIFICATION) STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Climate Change and Variability Programme: OutcomeProgramme Activity Enhanced severe weather prediction capability Research and development of forecasting tools Weather related disaster risk applications contributing to reduced weather related mortality and damage to property Development of weather related disaster risk applications: Severe Weather Warning System, South African Flash Flood Guidance system, Severe Weather Forecasting Guidance System. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Climate Change and Variability Programme: OutcomeProgramme Activity Air quality related health risk management information available South African Air Quality System (SAAQS), Air quality Information service operationalised Availability of long term Trace Gas records Trace Gas monitoring and submission of reports according to International Standards (Global Atmospheric Watch) Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Commercialisation Programme : OutcomeProgramme Activity R80m revenue generationRegulated commercial income(Aviation) -Effective implementation of cost recovery model. R16.5m revenue generationNon-Regulated commercial income: -To develop and implement a comprehensive product / service programme Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Human Capital Programme OutcomeProgramme Activity Availability of requisite skills and competencies to achieve the organisations strategic intent Develop and Implement an Human Resources Development Strategy: Talent Management -Career Pathing -Knowledge Management -Succession Plan Attraction and Retention -Reward and Remuneration -Recognition Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Human Capital Programme Availability of requisite skills and competencies to achieve the organisations strategic intent An effective Bursary Scheme implemented (To identify and support potential skills in the scientific and technological fields). Internship programme Enhanced Performance culture in the SAWS Review and implement an organisational performance management (M&E) system Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Human Capital Programme OutcomeProgramme Activity Positive, healthy and productive employees Employee wellness programmes and retention strategies implemented Compliance to the relevant Human Resource policy stipulations (Remuneration, Labour OHS etc) Management focus on entrenching the SAWS values - values evident in behaviour of staff Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT The South African Government has invested R240m to upgrade the weather radar network in the country. At the completion of a three year project, South Africa will have 12 new radars and a total of 18 radar systems. The system will enable Forecasters to provide accurate weather information and warnings to the public. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Strategic Collaborations Government Departments DEA, DoT, DWA, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(COGTA), DoA, DST,GCIS, DIRCO Public Entities ATNS, ACSA, SACAA, Water Research Commission, ARC, CSIR, SABC Universities Pretoria Witwatersrand Cape Town UNIZULU Fort Hare Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Strategic Collaborations International Organizations University Centre for Atmosphere Research in the USA International Research Institute in New York UK MetOffice Australia Met service National Weather Service of the US and NOAA EUMET SAT WMO ICAO Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ACHIEVEMENTS An unqualified Audit Report with no matters of emphasis for the period 2009/10 (the last audited period The South African Flash Flood Guidance System (SAFFG). The Southern African Regional Flash Flood Guidance System. (SARFFG) Severe Weather Forecasts Demonstration project (which was also extended to all SADC countries). Severe Weather Warning System (SWWS) - Early warning system. Provision of seasonal forecasts as the Global Producing Center for Long Range Forecasting. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ACHIEVEMENTS The SAWS Radar Network was launched on 29 March The SAAQIS database was launched on 23 March Provision of long-term records on trace gases and greenhouse gases at the Global Atmospheric watch. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ACHIEVEMENTS The accreditation by SETA as a service provider for the National Certificate in Weather Observation- an NQF level 5 qualification The provision of up- to- the- minute weather for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Tournament, which has seen the Port Elizabeth team winning an award for safeguarding of lives and property The expansion of the Lightning detection network The award of SAWS as the Top Gender Empowered Parastatal with TOPCO Media and SAWS finalist as the Top Empowered Government Parastatal with Metropolitan. Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
ACHIEVEMENTS Upgraded the Highbury Primary school. Expansion of the Fognet (Water harvesting) project. Based on the unaudited draft 2010/11 financial statements, SAWS has achieved the following: Increased commercial aviation revenue by 44% to R70 million (prior year: R49 million). Increased other commercial revenue by 13% to R14.6 million (prior year: 12.8 million). Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Interim Audit Report 36 Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Adjusted Surplus/Deficit 38 Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Revenue Sources 39 Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Expenditure Categories 40 Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
SAWS’ Preferred Funding Model : Activity base costing Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Budget 2011/12 to 2013/14 Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011
Weather lines Vodacom service on the number Talk to a forecaster service. Molo Africa text-to-speech answering service on AfriGis location based and subscription service SMS service (*120*555*3#-DIAL) Document Ref: SAWS STRATEGY PRESENTATION-PPC 31 MAY 2011