CROSS COUNTRY By: Meghan Schulz
WHY DO IT? Self discipline Physical shape Team bonding Self-conquest Teaches persistence
SELF DISCIPLINE Definition: The ability to control ones feelings and overcome ones weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it. know when and when not to stop running Know when to push yourself Know when your pain is real pain
PHYSICAL SHAPE Beginning of season I was 120 lbs. and was in shape at start of season. Middle of season I had lost 10 pounds of fat and now weighed 110lbs. End of season I had gained 5 pounds of muscle and now weighed 115 lbs.
TEAM BONDING Milk Mile: drink a glass of milk each quarter mile lap around a building, who ever finished there 4 th lap first wins. Camp: take the team up north and we all camp, run every morning, after lunch, and night. Played games during the day and made meals as a team, even went craw fishing. Team dinners: the night before a race, the team would go to one person on the team to eat. The food would usually by pasta or carbs.
SELF-CONQUEST Conquering the state of being Moving past the pain Wanting to keep going
PERSISTENCE Times in Cross when I’ve used persistence when I get super tired at the end of a race, but still kick when I’m injured and sill participate in practices When I don’t get a good split in practice, so I got home and run till I get it. “ When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck. ” – Estee Lauder
CROSS IS MORE THAN JUST A SPORT It teaches you to independent, and team driven. You have to push yourself individually when in the race, no one is there helping. Though also you get a team score so in the back of your head in the race you know your helping your team even though sometimes your not seeing them.
BEST MEMORIES OF CROSS COUNTRY Cross Is a really hard sport and having your team go though all the pain together you get really close. You push each other, but also know how to goof around and have some fun. The long bus rides to the meets are best for singing songs with the team. The best feeling for me was catching my best friend at the end of the finish line every race.
ITS JUST RUNNING, TRY IT! Cross country doesn’t always just have to count as a school sport in high school or college. You can still be a cross country runner if you run long distance. Next time you need to get in shape or just be active try training for a 5k or 10k, 3.1 miles or 6.2 miles. I’ve ran both and they are hard, but doable. Just make sure your trained and maybe run with a friend to push yourself!