What are the most common types of media today?
newspapers / magazines radio television the Internet
What is the role of the media?
to inform / to provide information to educate to entertain
What should the media not do?
The media, journalists, press should never lie spread rumours or gossip ruin someone´s life create panic cause fear They should be honest objective They should always tell the truth
What can you find in a newspaper?
the headlines the main story world news national news film reviews music reviews the TV guide editorials the weather forecast gossip columns comics sports coverage advertisements puzzles / crosswords
What types of newspapers are there?
broadsheets / quality newspapers - are large, have more serious news, aim at the educated reader tabloids – smaller, have more gossip and scandal dailies – come out every day except Sunday weeklies – come out once a week supplement – an additional part of a newspaper
Do you know any newspapers and magazines from the English-speaking countries?
Some leading / well-known / popular newspapers are… The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph ( in the UK) The New York Times, The Washington Post (in the US) Famous magazines are…Vogue, National Geographic, The Economist
Where can you get newspapers and magazines?
I can buy a newspaper / magazine at a newsagent train station newsstand I can have the paper delivered I can subscribe to a paper We can read it on-line / at a library
How much do you watch TV and what are your favourite channels and programmes?
on TV I like watching… the nightly news breakfast news current affairs programmes entertainment programmes sports news the weather forecast documentaries wildlife shows talk shows soap operas series quiz shows reality shows
What can you find on the radio?
news updates / breaking news traffic reports weather reports talk shows phone-in programmes music
What can you find on the Internet?
on-line newspaper, magazines radio stations television channels websites for specialised topics blogs social media websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, created for sharing personal information / views / opinions / photos / videos
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet over traditional media?
The Internet allows you to get information At any time of the day From many sources Up-to-date In a more comfortable way X It is difficult to read from the screen It might not be reliable, trustworthy You might be a victim of a cybercrime
Which type of media do you prefer? Why?
What is a hoax?
Some information that is not true. It appears in the newspaper on April Fool’s Day.
Thank you