Project Overview GMAO Seasonal Forecast NCAR/LANL CCSM NCEP Forecast GFDL FMS Suite MITgcm NASA GMAO Analysis Climate Data Assimilation Weather Mark Iredell 3 rd ESMF Community Meeting
Motivation for ESMF In climate research and NWP... increased emphasis on detailed representation of individual physical processes; requires many teams of specialists to contribute components to an overall modeling system In computing technology... increase in hardware and software complexity in high-performance computing, shift toward the use of scalable computing architectures In software … development of frameworks, such as the GFDL Flexible Modeling System (FMS) and Goddard Earth Modeling System (GEMS) that encourage software reuse and interoperability The ESMF is a focused community effort to tame the complexity of models and the computing environment. It leverages, unifies and extends existing software frameworks, creating new opportunities for scientific contribution and collaboration.
ESMF Project Description GOALS: To increase software reuse, interoperability, ease of use and performance portability in climate, weather, and data assimilation applications PRODUCTS: Core framework: Software for coupling geophysical components and utilities for building components Applications: Deployment of the ESMF in 15 of the nation’s leading climate and weather models, assembly of 8 new science-motivated applications METRICS: RESOURCES and TIMELINE: $9.8M over 3 years, starting February 2002 ReuseInteroperabilityEase of AdoptionPerformance 15 applications use ESMF component coupling services and 3+ utilities 8 new applications comprised of never- before coupled components 2 codes adopt ESMF with < 2% lines of code changed, or within 120 FTE-hours No more than 10% overhead in time to solution, no degradation in scaling
Collaborators and Partners NSF NCAR NOAA GFDL and NCEP NASA GMAO, GISS, Goddard Land Information Systems project DOE LANL and ANL COLA DOD NRL, AFWA UCLA University of Michigan Princeton University Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modeling Applications SOURCEAPPLICATION NOAA/GFDLFMS B-grid atmosphere at N45L18 FMS spectral atmosphere at T63L18 FMS MOM4 ocean model at 2°x2°xL40 MITMITgcm coupled atmosphere/ocean at 2.8°x2.8°, atmosphere L5, ocean L15 MITgcm regional and global ocean at 15kmL30 NASA/GMAOGEOS-5 atmospheric GCM at 2° x 2.5° coupled with GMAO ocean GCM at 2/3° x 1.25° x L20 NCAR/LANLCCSM2 including CAM with Eulerian spectral dynamics and CLM at T42L26 coupled with POP ocean and data ice model at 1°x1°L40
Data Assimilation Applications SOURCEAPPLICATION NASA/GMAOCAM with finite volume dynamics at 2°x2.5°L55, including CLM ODAS with OI analysis system at 1.25 x 1.25 x L20 resolution with ~10K observations/day NOAA/NCEPGlobal atmospheric spectral model at T170L42 SSI analysis system with 250K observations/day, 2 tracers NCEP/NCARWRF regional atmospheric model at 22km resolution CONUS forecast 345x569L50 NCEP/GMAOGSI analysis system with 250K observations/day, 2 tracers MITMITgcm 2.8° century / millennium adjoint sensitivity
Today’s Agenda 9:00amProject overview (Iredell-NCEP) 9:15amWhat is ESMF and what does it mean to adopt it? (DeLuca-NCAR) 10:00amESMF field tests (Hill-MIT) 10:30amBreak 10:45amProject status and website tour (DeLuca-NCAR) 11:30amLunch 1:00pm Tutorial on using the ESMF (Hill-MIT/Trayanov-GSFC) 3:00pmBreak 3:15pmFuture plans and directions (Balaji-GFDL) 3:45pmOpen discussion