This is a general template.
To add another slide use: Insert menu and “duplicate slide” to continue with each section.
It is preferred that the order or the slides remains the same Anchor desk, to On-site, to Sports, to weather to Anchor to ensure proper camera changes.
The larger the font, the better. Use as many slides as you need for each section. Keep the background white and font black.
This is probably the best font size for each screen. It is a 60 font.
Don’t forget to use “Save As” and save this PPT under your group name.
Starting with the next slide, you may use this template and type on each slide and add new slides.
Good Morning and Welcome to the News. I’m __________.
In the news today…. Main Story Main Desk - Anchors
In OTHER news …. 2 nd Story or famous person. Main Desk - Anchors
Let’s go out to _______, our on-site reporter. ANCHORS
I’m here live at __________ ON-SITE
Now over to _________ with the sports. ON-SITE
In sports today: SPORTS
Now over to _____ with the Weather. SPORTS
Today’s forecast calls for: WEATHER
Throughout the week: WEATHER
Back to the studio news desk. WEATHER
Thanks for watching the news, tune in tomorrow for updates. Main Desk - Anchors