the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place. Today it is cloudy, rainy, and cold. The four elements of ____ are : air pressure, temperature, wind, and humidity $100 What is weather?
the usual weather a place has all year long. $100 What is climate?
large bodies of air that form over areas where the temperature does not change, such as the North Pole, the South Pole, and the equator. $100 What is air mass?
the force of the air pushing down on the Earth $100 What is air pressure?
a device for measuring wind speed $100 What is anemometer ?
$100 What is atmosphere? the envelope of air surrounding the earth. The earth’s is made up of mostly gases nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
the changing of liquid to a gas. $200 What is evaporation?
The amount of water vapor or moisture in the atmosphere $200 What is humidity?
a cloud that lies on the ground or is very close to the ground $200 What is a fog?
When one air mass collides with another, the line or boundary (battle line) that separates them $200 What is front ?
a person who forecast the weather. $200 What is meterologist or forecaster?
$200 What is precipitation? any kind of water that falls out of clouds, rain, snow, sleet, or hail
the lowest part of the atmosphere. This is where almost all our weather happens. $300 What is troposhere?
the way water enters and leaves the atmosphere $300 What is the water cycle?
air that moves and is caused by weather systems of different air pressures $300 What is wind?
a device for measuring the direction from which the wind blowing.. $300 What is wind vane or weather vane ?
Water in its gaseous state $300 What is water vapor?
$100 The reason seasons occur What is the Earth’s tilt and revolution? $300
The reason for day and night $400 What is the Earth’s rotation or spin?
This causes evaporation. $400 What is the energy from the sun?
A series of events that occur over and over again $400 What is a cycle?
White puffy clouds associated with good weather $400 What are cumulus clouds?
Big storm clouds- thunderclouds. They are the tallest clouds. $400 What are Cumulonimbus clouds?
$100 $400 Explain the water cycle Daily Double!!!
Name 3 of the global wind patterns $500 What are: doldrums, westerlies, trade winds, jet stream, horse latitudes …
$100 Explain what happens when a cold front moves in to an area. The cold wedges underneath the warm air, forcing the warm air to rise. A cold front produces rain or snow. A cold front causes a sudden change in weather $500
Explain what happens when a warm front comes into an area. $500 A warm front coming in rises up over the cold air.Clouds form and rains come. A warm front causes a a gradual change in weather.