$100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500
Molecules on the Move
Know Your Boundaries
Rules and Patterns
I Have the POWER!
What’s the Weather?
Molecules on the Move Know Your Boundaries Rules and Patterns I Have The POWER! What’s the Weather? $100 $300 $200 $400 $500
CATEGORY 1 - $100 Warm molecules do this due to density differences
CATEGORY 1 - $200 Cold currents come from this location on Earth
CATEGORY 1 - $300 Warm air comes from this location on Earth
CATEGORY 1 - $400 The flow of air creating wind is caused by this
CATEGORY 1 - $500 Transfer of heat in a fluid by the movement of molecules due to density differences
CATEGORY 2 - $100 Rapidly pushes a warm air mass up, bringing high winds, lower temperatures and can form thunderstorms
CATEGORY 2 - $200 This is my symbol on a weather map:
CATEGORY 2 - $300 Occurs when air masses don’t move, temperatures don’t change and precipitation can last for days
CATEGORY 2 - $400 Replaces cold air, winds are gentle and warm
CATEGORY 2 - $500 A boundary where different air masses meet A boundary where different air masses meet
CATEGORY 3 - $100 Surface currents have a major influence on this
CATEGORY 3 - $200 Warm, dry air masses originate here
CATEGORY 3 - $300 The amount of energy it takes to change the temperature of a substance
CATEGORY 3 - $400 The wind blows when air flows from _____ pressure to ______ pressure
CATEGORY 3 - $500 The properties of this are determined by the part of the Earth’s surface over which it forms
CATEGORY 4 - $100 The portion of the Earth that receives the most direct rays of sunlight
CATEGORY 4 - $200 Which gains and loses energy easiest – land or water?
CATEGORY 4 - $300 The ultimate source of energy on Earth
CATEGORY 4 - $400 Why the grass is cooler than the sidewalk on a hot summer day
CATEGORY 4 - $500 The interaction of the air, water and the Sun
CATEGORY 5 - $100 High pressure brings this type of weather
CATEGORY 5 - $200 Responsible for the movement of much of the weather across the US and Canada
CATEGORY 5 - $300 A violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path over land
CATEGORY 5 - $400 Powerful tropic storm that develops over and draws it’s energy from the ocean
CATEGORY 5 - $500 Land or Sea Breeze?
CATEGORY 1 - $100 What is expand and rise?
CATEGORY 1 - $200 What is from the poles?
CATEGORY 1 - $300 What is from the equator?
CATEGORY 1 - $400 What is uneven heating of the land’s surface?
CATEGORY 1 - $500 What is convection?
CATEGORY 2 - $100 What is a cold front?
CATEGORY 2 - $200 What is an occluded front?
CATEGORY 2 - $300 What is a stationary front?
CATEGORY 2 - $400 What is a warm front?
CATEGORY 2 - $500 What is a front?
CATEGORY 3 - $100 What is climate?
CATEGORY 3 - $200 What is from the equator and over land?
CATEGORY 3 - $300 What is specific heat?
CATEGORY 3 - $400 What is from high to low pressure?
CATEGORY 3 - $500 What is an air mass?
CATEGORY 4 - $100 What is the Equator?
CATEGORY 4 - $200 What is the land?
CATEGORY 4 - $300 What is the Sun?
CATEGORY 4 - $400 What is higher specific heat?
CATEGORY 4 - $500 What is weather?
CATEGORY 5 - $100 What is nice?
CATEGORY 5 - $200 What is the Jet Stream?
CATEGORY 5 - $300 What is a tornado?
CATEGORY 5 - $400 What is a hurricane?
CATEGORY 5 - $500 What is a land breeze?
Be the Meteorologist
FINAL CATEGORY Forecast the Weather!!
Areas of high pressure can expect nice weather and storms along areas of low pressureAreas of high pressure can expect nice weather and storms along areas of low pressure Stationary frontStationary front in Canada – MT – WYin Canada – MT – WY also in the SE bringing light rain and drizzle and some fogalso in the SE bringing light rain and drizzle and some fog Cold front pushing off the TX coastCold front pushing off the TX coast Warm front pushing north up into SE states and another coming in from the Pacific into the NW later todayWarm front pushing north up into SE states and another coming in from the Pacific into the NW later today Light rain and drizzle in the NWLight rain and drizzle in the NW FINAL CATEGORY
END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...