Weather Weather--what the air is like at different times and places
Meteorologist– a scientist who studies the weather
Warn– to tell ahead of time Talk About It! Why would a meteorologist need to warn people about the weather conditions?
Prepare– to get ready
Conditions– what the weather is like (hot, cold, sunny, dry, cloudy, rain, sleet, hail, windy, humid, etc.) Talk About It! What are the weather conditions today?
Temperature—how hot or cold something is
Thermometer– an instrument used to measure the temperature Talk About It! Have you ever used a thermometer?
Degrees– units used to measure temperature
Warm– when the air is heated; not cold or not hot
Chilly– cool or a little cold
Cloudy– having many clouds
Wind– moving air
Rain— water that falls to the earth from the clouds Talk About It! How is rain good? Is rain ever bad?
Flood– happens when a lot of water flows over normally dry land (this can happen when it rains a lot)
Drizzle or Sprinkle– a light rain (a little bit of rain)
Thunderstorm– a storm with thunder and lightening Talk About It! Have you ever seen or heard a thunderstorm?
Snow– soft, white flakes that fall from clouds when it is cold Talk About It! Are we likely to see snow today? Why or why not?
Blizzard– a long snowstorm with strong cold wind filled with snow
Freeze– to become cold and hard Talk About It! When water freezes, what is it called?
Sleet-- icy mixture of rain and snow
Hurricane– big storms with fast winds and heavy rain
Tornado– a storm with strong winds that whirl and travel in a funnel-shaped dark cloud Talk About It! Do you know what to do if there is a tornado warning at school?
Whirl– to turn quickly in a circle
Swirling– going around and around in a circle
Clear– free from clouds
Forecast-- a weather prediction (What will the weather be like?) Talk About It! Where can you find a weather forecast? Who makes the weather predictions?