Photography trip to Peru By Chip Copeland 6 th
Peru Peru has plenty of beautiful places to take pictures such as, Machu Picchu, Cusco (capital of Peru), Quenko, Valle del Colca,
Forecast today Peru today's weather is around 77°F Perfect for taking pictures Getting outside Making new friends
Things to bring Peru Peru's rural people dress in clothing that is a result of a mix of pre-Hispanic and European influences, so ponchos Boots aquard hats Pass ports Peru money maybe a lama? A phone Emergency kit Camera hair nets Translation book
Interesting facts The highest point in Peru is formed by Nevado Huascaran, at 6,768 meters. Peru declared independence from Spain on 28 th July However, it gained recognition only on 9 th December The official name of Peru is ‘Republic of Peru’. Majority of the people in Peru are Roman Catholic The currency of Peru is Nuevo Sol. The capital of Peru is Lima.
Peru and you Peru has plent of tropical and arid places for some beautiful areas Affordable hotels to stay at Frendly natives