Chapter “He’s on my case, “ I say. “Thinks you’re a tikkop and that I must know all about it.” “Tik?” Zeke shrieks. “Where must I get tik”? “Every second house is a tikhuisie,” Melissa laughs. “Ja, Zekie. Where must you get it? Your father must wake up.” (Ch. 13. p55) a)Give the meanings of “tikkop” and “tikhuisie” and then say why you think these expressions are not written in Standard English. Tikkop – Tik junkie Tikhuisie – place that sells tik This is the language used on the street.
b) Is Zeke being honest in his reply to Katy in this extract? How do you know? No. Melissa says sarcastically that Zeke’s father must wake up. It is as if she knows Zeke is on tik.
c) Irony is when the reader knows something the character doesn’t. Explain the irony in this extract. Zeke says he is not on tik but he is constantly ill.
d) Do you think, from Melissa’s reply, that she thinks Zeke uses tik? Explain your answer. Yes. Melissa knows tik is easily available and she says his father must wake up.
e) Does Katy believe Zeke is using tik at this point in the story? How do you know? No. She does not believe her father. She believes Zeke when he says he is not on tik. She does not talk about the subject again.
f) What makes it likely that Zeke is a “tikkop”? He is ill all the time.
2. “I don’t believe you would do something like this to me. Why can’t I choose my own clothes?” a)Put this statement into context by saying when it was said and to whom? Katy said it to Hector when he bought her the dress from the station.
b) Explain what the conflict is about at this point in the story. Katy wanted hip-hop clothes for her dancing and Hector bought her a dress she did not need. She is angry that he is not listening to her needs.
c) What role does Auntie Rose play in this conflict? She tries to understand what Hector wants and what Katie wants. She tries to tell Hector how Katie feels and she tells Katie how Hector feels.
d) Is this the role Auntie Rose always plays when there's a difference of opinion between Katie and Hector? Find an example to back up your point of view. Yes. Auntie Rose explains what Hector would answer if Katy should ask him something.
3a) What do you learn about Melissa's character in Chapters 16 and 21? She lies to her mother. She does not work hard in school. She is not responsible and does not care about her future. She helps you by drawing you into lies.
b) Is she the sort of friend you would like to have? Explain your opinion. No. She lies. She does not work hard. She does not inspire you but pulls you down all the time.
4) What did Katy find out from her mother’s letters? Hector drank too much and her mother threatened to leave him and take Katy with her.
5) “It’s my ticket out of this place.” (Ch. 18, p 77.) a)Who says this and what is he/she referring to? Ricardo. He is referring to winning the dance competition.
b) What does it tell you about how this character feels about his/her life? He is motivated and focussed. He wants to make a success of his life.
6) “Check up on Katy, please Rosie. We don’t know what the young people are getting up to.” (Ch. 18. p77.) a)What does Hector reveal about his attitude to Katy here? He does not trust her completely.
b) What effect does his attitude have on her? Because he does not trust her, she hides the truth from him.
7) In Chapter 20 Wesley shows a range of feelings for Katy. Which of the following words DO NOT describe these feelings? Affectionate, understanding.
8) “My father is going to kill me.” (Ch. 22, p 93) a)Does Katy mean this literally or figuratively? Explain your answer in full. Figuratively. He is not going to kill her. He is going to punish her severely so that she will feel dead.
b) Describe the circumstances which make Katy feel this way? She should have been home by ten and arrives very late.
a)Put this statement into context by saying who is speaking and when. Mr Samuels is speaking. Katy told him she is not doing ballroom dancing anymore because her heart is not in it. 9) “You must follow your own heart, Katy. There is nothing worse than doing something when your heart is not in it.
b) Do you agree with this view? Yes, but sometimes it is necessary to also do things that you do not like because it is the right thing to do.
c) What do these words tell you about the speaker? He probably likes teaching ballroom very much because he would not do it if his heart was not in it.