Silvia and Eve are at the bus stop. They are talking about the weather. S: Oh Eve, I really hate this weather. I wonder if we'll have sunshine next week. E: Well, Silvia, don't count on it. It's the rainy season. S: It's so hot and wet. I feel sticky all the time. E: Me, too. The temperature must be above 30 degrees today. It's the Rainy Season
S: I miss the dry, cool air. I wish we were in an air-conditioned room right now. E: Well, since you brought it up, I wish we were in Hawaii. S: Ah, that's a lovely thought. The sun, the beach and the breeze. Oh, I can almost smell the sea. E: The only thing I can smell is that ditch over there. Come on, here comes our bus.
Jean and Gordon haven't seen each other all summer. Now they are back to school and they are amazed how much they have both changed. G: Jean, I can't believe my eyes. You've changed so much. J: Really? It must be my hair. I have it cut short. You Look Terrific
G: Gee, you look really good with short hair. Your face looks thinner and you seem to be in better spirits. J: Thanks, Gordon. Let me take a look at you. You must have lost 10 pounds. G: Yes, I have. I went swimming every day this summer. J: No wonder. You look terrific. Exercise surely paid off for you. Anyway, it's good to see you again. G: Same here. I've got to go. Catch you later.
Useful Expressions About WeatherAbout People 1. It looks like/as if it is going to rain. 2. It's freezing/bitter cold. 3. It's getting cold/cool/ chilly/warm/windy. 4. I bet it must be as high as 35 degrees today. 5. The forecast says it will rain tomorrow. 1. It seems we haven't seen each other for ages. 2. I bet you must have lost at least 20 pounds. 3. You look more ladylike/ mature. 4. This time last year, we were busy preparing for the joint high school entrance exam.
Exercises 1. Work with a partner and complete the following dialogues. (1) A: What did the weather forecast say? B: It said __________________________. A: Wonderful! I'm sick of the hot days. B: Me, too. I really hope ______________ ___________________________. it’s going to be cold tomorrow the winter comes as soon as possible
(2) A: _______________________________ _______________ B: Yeah. You moved to Taipei two years ago, and I haven't heard from you since. A: Don't you think we've changed? B: Yes, you ____________________. A: And, you ______________________ ____________. B: Yes, I have. I've been exercising every day these two years. It seems we haven’t seen each other for ages look more ladylike must have lost at least 20 pounds
Part 1 You are going to hear five conversations. Check (ˇ) the topic that best describes each conversation. 1. □ family □ work □ housing □ holidays 2. □ people □ pollution □ weather □ location 3. □ weather □ food □ traffic □ work 4. □ clothes □ work □ shopping □ exercise 5. □ hotel □ food □ vacation □ department store ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
Part 2 Listen to the conversation. Indicate “T” (True) or “F” (False) for the following statements. 1. Meg went to New York a year ago. 2. Meg went to New York for a vacation. 3. Meg has been to New York twice. 4. Meg doesn't like New York. 5. Meg felt safe walking out at night. F F T T F