Introduction to Grammar, continued…
Adjectives Adjectives describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They tell what the things named by nouns and pronouns are like. Adjectives can show which or what kind of thing you are talking about. For examples: the tiny one, the awesome one, that one, no one.
Descriptive Adjectives Examples Remember: descriptive adjectives add details. They answer these questions: –What kind? –What is it like? Examples: LongRed SquishyStrong HilariousRainy RoundBox-shaped FaithfulCanadian
Limiting Adjectives Examples Remember: limiting adjectives make nouns and pronouns more specific. They answer these questions: –Which one? –How many? –How much? Examples: ThisThatThoseMy OurYourHisIts TheirFirstRightLeft OneNinety-sixManyFew BothNoMoreLess WhichWhat
Features of Adjectives 1.Placement Generally, adjectives go before the nouns they describe. You can also put them after a noun and after a linking verb. Before a noun My orange kite flies wonderfully. After a noun My kite, orange as a pumpkin, flies wonderfully. After a linking verb My kite is orange and flies wonderfully.
Features of Adjectives, continued… 2.Endings Have you noticed words with these endings (suffixes)? –-able, -ful, -ic, -is, -less, -like, -ons Add an ending like this to a word root, and what do you get? Base wordEnding (suffix) Adjective move + able = movable
Using Adjectives 1. Know how to use “less” and “least.” Sometimes a comparison has to do with less of something – not more. Then, instead of more or most, you use less or least. 2. Know the difference between “fewer” and “less.” The adjectives fewer and less mean just about the same thing. However, fewer counts separate items, and less measures the amount of substance. Use fewer with plural nouns. Use less with singular nouns Examples: –Plural: Which class has fewer students? –Singular: Which bread has less sugar?
Practice using adjectives Handout: Adjectives Refer to the Handout: SAMPLE List of Adjectives