Strong v. Weak Verbs Make your writing real to people…
Focus of the Sentence Look at the following sentences and describe what makes the second better than the first. 1. The trees looked so bare as there was nothing but bark and branches. 2. On the ground fresh tracks from a snowmachine broke the crisp snow.
Showing v Telling Rule #3 of good writing style is to: Show instead of tell. Show instead of tell. To do this: Remove yourself from the writing. Remove yourself from the writing. Pick the detail your eye is on. Pick the detail your eye is on. Make that detail the subject of an action verb. Make that detail the subject of an action verb.
Writing is Observation Look at the picture to the right. What do you notice first? Strive to notice the unusual, the things that make the scene unique. Strive to notice the unusual, the things that make the scene unique. The best writers are also the best observers of the world around them.
Attach to Strong Verbs Strong verbs show actions you can “see.” JumpRoar Weak verbs are linking and/or abstract verbs. SmellThink
Strength of Verbs StrongWeak float see sit being Sank
Show Verses Tell To show, notice what your eye sees and connect it to a action verb. Notice that your eye actually catches very little of the picture at any one time. Notice that your eye actually catches very little of the picture at any one time. Remember being a writer means being an observer.
Assignment Do a rewrite of one of your descriptive paragraphs. This should be a significant rewrite. These rewrites will be graded strictly according to the “Writing Style Rubric.” Due Date: Tues 10/3
Writing Style Rubric Level 1-Action Verbs Level 2-Concrete Descriptions Level 3-Show Don’t Tell Complete Descriptions Grammar and Mech A The paragraph uses only strong action verbs which add to the image created. Further all these verbs are appropriate and accurate. The paragraph uses concrete, specific, and definite nouns to create images for the reader. Further it avoids using extra “helping words” yet forms rich descriptions. The paragraph shows rather than tells picking key details and linking them to action verbs. The description includes enough description and detail to completely paint a picture for the reader. It covers 4 out of the 5 sense. Grammar and Mechanics are flawless. B8B8 The paragraph uses only action verbs which add to the image created though these may occasionally be weak verbs, or there are instances of the verb “to be” as a helping verb. The paragraph uses concrete, specific, and definite nouns to create images for the reader. However, one or two descriptions might be vague or abstract. The paragraph shows rather than tells picking details and linking them to action verbs; however, it also contains some sentences which tell rather than show. The description includes enough description and detail to completely paint a picture for the reader. It covers 3 out of the 5 sense. 1-3 errors in grammar and mechanics present. C7C7 The paragraph uses mostly action verbs which add to the image created; however, there are several instances of the verb “to be” used as a main verb, or most verbs are weak. The paragraph uses concrete, specific, and definite nouns to create images for the reader. However it uses excessive adjectives and adverbs to create its images. Some words are vague or abstract. The paragraph shows rather than tells picking details and linking them to action verbs; however, several sentences tell rather than show. The description includes enough description and detail to paint a relatively full picture for the reader. It covers 2-3 out of the 5 sense. 4-7 errors in grammar and mechanics present. D6D6 Action verbs are used; however most main verbs are forms of the verb “to be.” Nouns are largely vague or abstract, or they necessitate undue numbers of adjectives and adverbs to modify them. The paragraph tells more than it shows. Using words like “see” “hear” “smell”… on a regular basis. The paragraph leaves large blanks for the reader to piece in for him/herself. Two of the 5 senses are touched. More than 8 errors in grammar and mechanics present. F 0-5 The verb “to be” is used as the primary verb in the paragraph. Nouns are vague or abstract, and they necessitate undue numbers of adjectives and adverbs to modify them. Paragraph simply tells using words like “see” “hear” “smell”… on a excessively. The paragraph leaves large gaps for the reader to fill in. One a single sense in appealed to. More than 15 errors in grammar and mechanics present.