CAE FIDELIS ™ Maternal Fetal Simulator HPSN WORLD 2014
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Objectives Identifies the differentiating features of the MFS Understands the application of the obstetrical parameters in the Muse software Demonstrates the different simulator configurations for antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 2
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Branding Product Line: CAE Fidelis Product Name: Maternal Fetal Simulator Patient Profile Name: Lucina, goddess of childbirth CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 3
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview General Obstetrical Features Tetherless operation Integrated maternal-fetal physiological modeling Maternal aesthetics build from real patient measurements Realistic birth canal and vulva/perineum Quiet and reliable birthing mechanism Control rate and duration of contractions Trendelenburg position detection Cephalic (vertex) and breech delivery Four locations for fetal heart sounds, based on presentation CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 4
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview General Obstetrical Features Contracted uterus Uterine reversion Intact/fragmented placenta Epidural port with infusion and aspiration Episiotomy C-section team training support TouchPro CTG monitor CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 5
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview General Fetal Features Articulated fetal body, neck, shoulders, elbows, hips and knees Clinically accurate size – 5th percentile on the WHO growth chart Palpable fontanel and sagittal sutures Fetal neck traction sensing Fetal airway suctioning (no fluids) Audible cry upon delivery Predicted 1 minute and 5 minute APGAR scores Umbilical cord CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 6
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Normal Delivery Articulation Multiple Birthing Positions Lithotomy, Sitting, Squatting, All-fours Palpable contractions Leopold's Maneuver's Vaginal exam static cervixes Reliable birthing cervix Variable pulses based on BP CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 7
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Shoulder Dystocia Detection of interventions Suprapubic pressure – Realistic symphysis pubis McRoberts Maneuver – Observable pelvic tilt Rotational Maneuvers – Posterior and anterior shoulder Delivery of the Posterior Arm Zavanelli Maneuver CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 8
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Vaginal Breech Delivery Fetal tactile realism (soft versus hard) Fetus has no exposed metal Simulates different presentations Frank and Complete Breech Allows for “Hands Off” delivery CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 9
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Maternal Cardio-Respiratory Arrest Chest compressions and advanced CPR Metrics Hand position Compression depth, rate and release Ventilation volume and rate and alveolar ventilation ABP, Coronary perfusion pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, cardiac output Electrical therapy Supports left lateral tilt NEW airway design – leak free Mechanical ventilation support CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 10
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Instrumental Vaginal Delivery Supports vacuum extraction without additional fetal cap Realistic traction applied by the birthing ring Supports training with forceps CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 11
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Key Features Overview Post Partum Hemorrhage Learners can identify an over-distended uterus Class III Hemorrhage support (1.8 L) Boggy and inverted uterus Bimanual compression and uterine massage detection Uterine blood released upon massage Uterine massage compression effect Intrauterine balloon CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 12
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Preconfigured SCEs (10) A Normal Delivery A Vaginal Breech Delivery An Instrumental Vaginal Delivery Eclampsia Fetal Central Nervous System Depression by Narcotics Given to the Mother Fetal Tachycardia Due to Maternal Pyrexia Major Post-Partum Hemorrhage due to Uterine Atony Maternal Cardio-Respiratory Arrest Shoulder Dystocia Umbilical Cord Prolapse CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 13
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Muse Software Three base patients Norma L Female Stannette Momtobe (Normal Pregnancy) Shantal Lewis (Placental Insufficiency) Baseline Settings Delivery, Cervix, Presentation, Station, Rotation Setup Configurations with pictures CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 14
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Muse Software New Medications for MFS Atosiban Betamethasone (LO) Carboprost tromethamine (LO) Dinoprostone (LO) Ergonovine (LO) Hydralazine (LO) Magnesium Sulfate (LO) Methyldopa (LO) Methylergonovine (LO) Misoprostol (LO) Oxytocin Ritodrine (LO) Salbutamol (Albuterol) (LO) Sulprostone (LO) Urapidil (LO) CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 15
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Muse Software Current Medications with MFS applications Acetaminophen (LO) Fentanyl Labetalol Lorazepam Meperidine Nifedipine (LO) Promethazine (LO) Terbutaline (LO) CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 16
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Muse Software Patient Status Display Additional CTG waveform, FHR/IUP numeric widget and presentation/station graphic widget Obstetrical Parameters Rate of descent Fetal state Contraction frequency, amplitude and duration Early deceleration magnitude Shoulder Dystocia and resolutions Arrested labor Uterine massage effectiveness Neurological, Respiratory and Cardiac Parameters Basic and additional parameters CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 17
CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential Muse Software Sounds Breath, Heart, Audible Breathing, UA Synchronized Vocal, Neonate Cry, Fetal Heart Sound location CTG Parameters Probe FHR signal loss UA signal loss MHR graph Fluid Parameters Vaginal bleeding severity CAE FIDELIS MATERNAL FETAL SIMULATOR 18