Building the future together! Review of the salaries and compensations in the building industry Presentation * The usage right to this methodology belongs to BauMarketingTM (according to the Law of Ukraine “About the copyright and related rights”)
Content 1.About the project…………………………………………………………… 3 2.Project goal………………………………………………………………… Project objective…………………………………………………………… 5 4.Methodology………………………………………………………………… Advantage of the participation in the project……………………. 8 6.Report content………………………………………………………………. 9 7.Salary level information analysis details ………………………… Data of State Committee of Statistics ……………………………… 11 9.Confidentiality ………………………………………………….…
About the project Review of the salaries in the building industry Initiative project, oriented to the companies working in the sectors of construction materials manufacture, trade and construction. This product is necessary for the companies, interested in the salaries level and compensations analysis and comparison with the existing in other companies. 3
Project objective Collection and analysis of the information about the salaries level of the different level workers in the building industry Project objective 4
Project goals 7. To estimate the main tendencies of the specialists demand and proposition on the market 1. To define the list of office and management professions demanded in the building industry 2. To define the salaries level on the building industry positions (management, logistic, sales, accounting and other office positions; job workers are not included into the survey) 3. To define the regional differences in the job payment of the same positions in the building industry 4. To define the circle of the employment duties and the main social-demographic characteristics of the employees on different positions in the building industry 5. To find out the practice of the salaries indexation and bonuses 6. To define compensations and social pocket of different profile specialists 5
Methodology In order to present the industry structure by segments and regions more accurate, the methodology presuppose the random selection of enterprises from the database only once. In case of this enterprise inaccessibility, it is changed to the analogous by type enterprise in the same city. In such way it is provided the correspondence of the sample structure to the universe structure. 2. The analysis of the main tendencies will be supported by the expert interview with the representatives of 10 recruitment agencies from different regions of Ukraine, having experience of the personnel for building companies recruitment. 1.The main information will be received by the building companies interviewing method. The sample will comprise 370 companies. The sample is representative on total Ukraine, the statistical error 5%. The companies are chosen by the random selection method from 8000 building companies according to the database of enterprises, registered in the State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine as the main circle enterprises (i.e. actually operating enterprises with the realization volume more than 0 UAH annually). 6
Methodology 4 types of companies are included into the sample companies-manufacturers of the building materials companies-constructors having the license to the multi-storied construction constructing companies, which do not have license to the multi- storied construction companies, operating in building materials wholesale trade 7
Advantages of the participation in the project Usage of the research data allows to develop the effective employment policy for the company Project is realized on the regular basis gives the opportunity to monitor the trends in the specialists salaries on the labour market allows to prevent the best employees loss, introducing the adequate work payment in the own company gives the opportunity to select the optimal complex of the compensation pockets in the company, and also the bonuses policy allows to avoid the mistakes in the personnel work organization, to provide the worthy working conditions level in the company 8
Report content 1. Interview methodology and the sample structure 2. Classification of the positions and employment duties 3. Social-demographic characteristics of the office staff and managers 4. Salaries level on the office and the management positions 5. Amount of bonuses and rewards 6. Regional differences in the salaries level in the building industry 7. Practice of the salaries and bonuses indexation 8. Practice of the bonuses payment to the employees 9. Compensation pocket and the additional facilities for the building companies employees 9
Details of the salaries level information analysis Descriptive positionsShort description Minimum salary levelDefines the minimal salary level to the certain position Maximum salary levelDefines the maximal salary level to the certain position Arithmetic averageIt’s an arithmetic average of the measured amounts; it is defined as a sum of amounts, divided to their quantity ModeThis is the most frequently appeared amount Median pointPoint on the scale of measured amounts, which separates higher and lower half of the measured amounts Bonuses/rewards and the pro-cents payment The same indexes (minimum, maximum values, average, median point and mode) RegionGives an opportunity to estimate the salaries level by different regions of Ukraine Indexes of the salaries level information 10
Data of the State Committee of Statistics In this section will be provided the data of State Committee of Statistics by the following indexes Minimum salary level in Ukraine Average monthly salary level in Ukraine thier corelation with the real salaries in the industry 11
Confidentiality Company guarantees the strict confidentiality as to the companies- respondents, as well as to the other specialists and experts, involved into the project realization 12 Additional information on the project is provided by the special request, addressed to the project coordinator.
Contacts Address: 7, Brullova street Kiev Tel.: Fax: Project manager – Natalia Filanchuk 13