How to research What are you looking for and why?
Search is a journey Know where you are going, check the map Or take a mystery tour and be surprised… What is the subject of your search? Which aspect do you want to find out first? e.g. Oil +manufacture
Internet Google is only one of many search engines… or Widen your search and enrich your work, your knowledge and internet expertise. Use keywords e.g. Olive Oil +manufacture
Check the brief What do you need to produce? How much or how little information do you need? Writing formally or creatively? –See ppt ‘Writing skills’ on library page of school website Diagrams, illustrations? Audience – what do they prefer?
Books hardcopy or electronic Save time use the index Take control of the text, scan the whole chapter, checking sub-headings first, then skim-read relevant paragraphs for your keywords. Have you used Lewisham’s e-book collection? Link on school library web page.
Note-making personal style + make them re-usable! Check your purpose and only note down relevant items that you can use Linear or graphic –Some examples are explained in the ppt ‘Writing skills’ on the library page of the school website. Colour, personal
Other sources Magazine or newspapers hardcopy or electronic Teacher, Librarian, others Each other Any more?
Create the product By hand or electronically? –Check it through by reading aloud –Ask someone for an opinion Use feedback to re-draft – ‘Re-drafting is where the learning takes place…’