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Presentation transcript:

P LANNING P OWERFUL V ISUAL A IDS K USHNER,M. 授課老師:任維廉 教授 報告人:邱羿茗 報告日期: 2014/6/10 1

自我介紹:邱羿茗 學歷: 交通大學 運管系 四年級 經歷: 校長盃總召 山地文化服務團暑假出隊總召 癸巳、甲午梅竹電競跑跑冠軍 興趣: 排球、郊遊、唱歌 2

OUTLINE 1. Understanding the power of visuals 2. Checking out charts and graphs 3. Selecting slides and overheads 4. Using a flip chart 5. Determining whether handouts will help 6. Preparing great props 3

1.U NDERSTANDING THE POWER OF VISUALS (1/2) The cons Distracted audiences Talking to visual aids Equipment worries 4

1.U NDERSTANDING THE POWER OF VISUALS (2/2) The pros Gain attention Save a lot of time for descriptions They can replace presentation notes Ensure that the entire audience receives your message in a uniform way 5

2.C HECKING OUT CHARTS AND GRAPHS (1/2) Common types of charts & graphs Bar graphs Flow charts Line graphs Organizational charts Pie charts Tables of numerical data 6

2.C HECKING OUT CHARTS AND GRAPHS (2/2) Tips and Tricks Limit the data Size pie slices accurately Make absolutely sure that the numbers are correct Avoid three-dimensional bars Jazz them up 7

3.S ELECTING SLIDES AND OVERHEADS (1/3) Slides Overheads 8

3.S ELECTING SLIDES AND OVERHEADS (2/3) When to use slides Advantage Highlight your key points Add variety to your presentation Capture audience attention Disadvantage Require to darken the room The order is inflexible Require a photo lab to process them 9

3.S ELECTING SLIDES AND OVERHEADS (3/3) When overheads work best Advantage Without turning down the room lights Write notes to yourself around the transparencies You can change their order It’s easier to create than slides Disadvantage Only work well for small audience 10

H OW TO WORK WITH DESIGNERS AND PRODUCTION PEOPLE Let the designer design Give the designer your bullet points Be decisive Let the designer know what’s coming Don’t forget about imaging time 11

N EAT IDEAS FOR SLIDES AND OVERHEADS Using cartoons Make a big hit with audiences Be legally Creating headlines of the future Rearranging images 12

H OW TO WORK WITH AN OVERHEAD PROJECTOR Overhead basics Use a projector with two bulbs Bring an extension cord and an adapter Avoid projector glare Use fewer overhead by showing only part of them Where to stand Talking to the visual Using two overhead projectors 13

4.U SING A FLIP CHART (1/3) Advantage Easy to use Easy to operate Easy to transport Very inexpensive Disadvantage Not effective for audiences larger than 50 people 14

4.U SING A FLIP CHART (2/3) Avoiding common flip-chart mistakes Too many words Covering the entire sheet Tiny writing Skinny writing Colors that are difficult to see Too many colors 15

4.U SING A FLIP CHART (3/3) Tips and Tricks Use paper divided into small squares Write secret notes on the flip-chart pages Sketch out some pictures Use human figures Leave two blank sheets between each sheet you use Save your flip-chart pages Bring a roll of white duct tape 16

5.D ETERMINING W HETHER H ANDOUTS W ILL H ELP Making handouts that get a hand Make them look good The Handouts represent you Including the right information Presentation notes and outlines Relevant articles Checklists (include agenda) Personal information 17

6.P REPARING G REAT P ROPS Using simple props for fancy effects Gag item Hats Magic tricks Newspapers 18

結論與心得 一圖勝千字 PowerPoint 的興盛 選擇適當的工具 視覺工具本身並不能改善報告內容 熟悉報告內容 19

T HANK YOU ! Q & A 20