Let’s Talk About Cyber Security A guided PowerPoint lesson
What is Cyber Security? …the protection of information against unauthorized disclosure, transfer, modification, or destruction, whether accidental or intentional Let’s break it down – “unauthorized” means without permission; “disclosure” means reveal or uncover “transfer” is to move; “modification” is change; And you can figure out the rest!
What Do We Protect Against? Malware (short for Malicious Software) is any software program that is designed to damage or disrupt a computer system.
Viruses A computer virus is a computer program (software) that can copy itself and attach to other programs and infect a computer without the users knowledge.
Worms Worms are also malicious code. Worms work through networks. They travel through shared files and programs and can bring down an entire system.
Spreading Malicious Code Computer worms can replicate and send themselves automatically to other computers by controlling other software programs on the computer, such as an e-mail sharing application.
Trojan Horses These are programs that claim to do one thing but actually do another when downloaded. For example, you download a game but the program wipes out your hard drive.
Spreading Malicious Code Trojan horses appear to be good programs. Once downloaded, they quietly damage the computer or other networked computers at the same time.
Spyware This is a program that runs in the background to monitor your computer activities. Spyware is frequently downloaded without the user knowing it – spyware can monitor web browsing and cause pop-ups.
Spreading Malicious Code Unsafe Downloads – Downloadable material that is infected with a computer virus can arrive in an e-mail or can be obtained directly through Web site downloads. Irresponsible Message Forwarding – Viruses and worms often appear in messages that tell you to “Forward this message to all of your friends.”
Cyber Security at Home Beyond e-mail: peer-to-peer networking and cyber security concerns Most P2P programs automatically install spyware on your computer as part of the installation process. These spyware programs can range from a simple nuisance to a true invasion of privacy. Note: Learn more about P2P in i-SAFE Intellectual Property Units
Step 1: Use an Internet firewall Avoiding Malicious Code There are FOUR important steps to keeping your computer secure! Step 1: Use an Internet firewall Make sure your computer is protected by a firewall. Step 2: Update your operating system regularly You should set to automatically update when updates are available.
Step 3: Use antivirus software and update it regularly Step 4: Use anti-spyware software and update it regularly An anti-spyware program can ensure you don’t have programs operating without your knowledge.
Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Cyber Bullying Fact Sheet
"All cruelty springs from weakness.” Cyber Bullying Factsheet "All cruelty springs from weakness.” (Seneca, 4BC-AD65) Bullying has become an online event as well as a physical one. Intimidation online can be just as bad, and in some cases worse, than when bullying occurs in the physical community.
What is a bully? Someone who: Someone who: gains gratification (a sense of happiness) when they have provoked or tormented others. feel better by making others feel worse.
Bullying E-mail provides one method of communication for these bullies. Flame mail – mail designed to make another person mad – is used along with hate mail – mail that shows racism, sexism, or other prejudices. Another way bullies use the Internet is through bulletin boards and chat sites to make their comments public.
What to do if you are Cyber bullied Tell someone. Don’t keep this to yourself. Tell a trusted adult about the bullying. Don’t open or read messages by Cyber bullies. IGNORE THE MESSAGE DO NOT RESPOND TO THE BULLY OR POST ABOUT THE BULLY. Tell the police if threatened. Tell your Internet Service Provider. Tell your school if it is school related. Schools have a bullying plan in place. Don’t erase the messages – they may be needed to take action. Instead, put them in a folder unread.
How to avoid being bullied online Don’t send a message when you are angry – it is hard to undo things that are said in anger. Delete messages from people you don’t know or from people who seem angry or mean. When something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Get out of the site, chat, etc. Prevention
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Sites that include https:// Veri-sign Sites that show a padlock at the bottom Inappropriate: gambling sites adult bookstores sites that contain adult content sites that promote violence and hate sites that ask for money sites that ask for personal information
The best way to handle inappropriate websites is to immediately exit. In some cases websites are created to prevent exit through a process called looping. If this type of website is found, it may be necessary to turn the computer completely off to exit!
Be Smart Be Safe The Internet is not anonymous. When you sign on, others have access to you. They could want to harm you. They could want money They could use information to conduct their own business Either selling your info or using it in an illegal manner.
Private Information: This information should not be given out on the Internet to maintain your safety. Name Address School Friends’ names Family names Age Social Security Number Phone number Photographs
DO NOT USE Personal Information such as: User Id/Screen name A User Id is a “nickname” you select to identify you in e-mail, chats, etc. DO NOT USE Personal Information such as: -Your real first name -Your real last name -Your location (i.e. hilliegirl, HaverhillGuy) -Your zip code -A suggestive name or word (i.e. sexyman42, hotbabygirl) -Pornographic or obscene words For added security, always opt NOT to add your name or nickname to any sort of member directory.
Password Password Security: Don’t tell anyone your password. Don't write your password down anywhere. When you decide on a password, make sure it can't be guessed. If you think there's even a chance someone else might know your password, change it. Make sure no one is standing near you when you enter your password
Watch out for… Dangers On the Web Your own website – Many teens now have their own websites. However, you have to be careful about what information you display. Examples: Facebook MySpace Twitter
Watch out for… Dangers in E-mail Spamming Companies advertise via e-mail They try to entice you to purchase items Try to get you to visit inappropriate sites, etc. Delete these e-mails DO NOT UNSUBSCRIBE.
Watch out for… Dangers in Email Inappropriate, offensive, angry e-mail should be reported to your Internet provider. Don’t send personal information, photographs, etc.
Watch out for… Dangers in Chatting Chats can result in revealing information you wouldn’t normally reveal. This can leave you open to online predators.
Watch out for… Dangers in Various online communications such as: Newsgroups Instant Messenger Social Networks E-mail Forums Bulletin Boards, etc.
Important things to remember are: Do NOT include personal information in postings or send pictures Do NOT reveal anything identifying about yourself. Do NOT agree to meet or phone people you have met online. Private chats are NOT always private. Be careful not to participate in a group which might be illegal or hateful.
Cyber stalking: Report this to the local police department and to your local provider, who can help you change your online ids to protect yourself.
Child Luring: If you feel you are in danger or someone you know is in danger of becoming a victim of a predator, notify a trusted adult immediately. Call your local police department.