*Agriculture means farming! Like crops fruits and animals and lots lots and lots! Of hard work.
the act or state of settling or the state of being settled
FAMINE A famine is a widespread scarcity of food that may apply to any faunal species. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic and increased mortality. By: Cameryn Celestina
Forest A dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large area. Forests exist in all regions of the Earth except for regions of extreme cold or dryness.
NARUAL RESOURSES By Maddy Hillard A natural resource is a resource that comes from nature. EX: wheat, wood, cotton, are all examples of resources that come from nature that we use.
Manufacturing Manufacturing is the use of machines, tools and labor to make things for use or sale. Or Business By: Nyri Torosian
Immigrant!!!! By. McKenna Blackwell A person who Immigrant from another country Ex. A person coming from another country And is from another state
Merchant Buyer or a seller. by Harley Hernandez
Mining By: Sohan Sahu Mining is when people go under ground and try to find minerals (crystals, diamonds and ruby's)
Physical Environment Physical Environment means the land and the things from nature like trees,plants,water,and more!!These things are called Physical Environment!
Government is too strong! People feel like they are being bossed around they’re whole life long!!! Hey! That’s not nice
POPULATION The number of people in or at a place!
Information coming straight from who its about. EX: here is a primary source of information coming from Kelly Watson. by: Megan Roosz
Primary Source Primary source is a writing that is written at there time.
Productive Resources Productive resources are resources used to make different types of products. Refrigerator Natural resources Capital resources Human resources
a profit is made on a business sale during a specific period of business activity, after paying for the business and everything it needs. By ryanbaldwin.
You are not allowed to worship as you please or practice your religion.
Risk Risk means as if you say “I can’t go in that hole I might get stuck!” “Well I think you should take the risk.” it is an unsure guess. By:Nyri Torosian
Canals are man made rivers and the boats are pulled by horses. People used canals for carrying goods and for transportatoin.But now people have cars,buses,airplanes and more. So people don’t use canals any more.
the act or state of settling or the state of being settled
TERRITORY Territory is someone's property. For example if you have a playground in your backyard and someone’s on it you can tell them to get of because you own the playground. BY: RYAN SIEGEL
By: Vikas Jain A forest is a Group of large dense growth of trees. It is an area where a lot of animals live and the Forests provide these animals needs. FOREST
Human Resources A human resource is a personnel employed by a given company, institution. By: Sohan Sahu
Business that make or manufacture goods industry By M ichael ward
Canals are a man made resource and they helped people travel from place to place and shipped goods just as the same.
An interval is a period of time like on a time line. They are equally spaced out points on a grid
the act or state of settling or the state of being settled
By: Justin Prindle Capital resources are the tools or money you use to build or make a product.
Chronological Order A order of events put on a time line in an order of old to new events.
Climate How hot or how cold it is in the outdoors or the temperature.
Development The act or process of developing, growth or progress. By: Cassidy McColl the act or process of developing; growth; progressthe act or process of developing; growth; progress
By Ryan McCurry You have a less advantage to whatever you are doing.
Economy 1.thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc By: Jesse Durham
Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is someone who starts a business. I want to start a business!
Family Ties By: Justin Prindle One example of family ties are when people moved to Ohio because they had family there to celebrate holidays with them and be with them.