Industrial Revolution The transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation During the Industrial Revolution many people went from living and working on farms to living and working in cities and factories. transportation Any device used to move items or people from one location to another Americans realized they needed better systems of transportation. manufacturing The act of making a product from raw materials Factories were built where large machines were used for the manufacturing of cloth.
factory An industrial building where workers manufacture goods and supervise machines processing one product into another Francis Lowell and his shareholders opened a textile factory. loom A textile machine for weaving yarn into cloth or fabric Factory workers operated a loom to make fabric. supply The total amount of a good or service available for purchase The company’s supply of video games could not meet the demand for the popular game.
plantation A large farm area on which crops are raised Large cotton plantations were located throughout the South. Cotton fiber Soft silky part of a cotton plant that can be woven into cloth The cotton gin quickly separated the seeds from the cotton fiber. demand The amount of a particular good or service that people want to purchase at a given time In the 1980s, the demand for a Cabbage Patch Doll was so high; manufactures could not produce them fast enough.
Cotton gin A machine that separates cottonseeds from raw cotton fiber The cotton gin could process nearly 55 pounds of cotton a day.