Big Bear Solar Observatory NST Main Features All reflecting, off-axis Gregory optical configuration PM: 1.6 m clear aperture with f/2.4 Figuring PM to 16 nm rms Effective focal length: 83.2 m (F/52 at Gregorian focus) FOV: 3' in prime focus Wavelength range from 380 nm to 1.7 µm in Coudé lab with AO PM active thermally controlled Integrated active optics (ao) and adaptive optics (AO) Quasi-static telescope alignment Diffraction limited: 500 nm and 1.56 m with AO WFS, polarization and calibration optics immediately before M3 Facility-class instruments
Big Bear Solar Observatory NST Scientific Instruments Nasmyth Focus Instruments I.Nasmyth focus broad band filtergraphs Gregorian Focus Instruments II.Cryogenic infrared spectrograph (CIRS) Coudé Lab Instruments III.Adaptive optics (AO) IV.Infrared imaging magnetograph (IRIM) V.Visible imaging magnetograph (VIM) VI.Fast imaging solar spectrograph (FISS) I II III VI IV V
Big Bear Solar Observatory I. Nasmyth Focus Filtergraph First-light scientific instrument Serves as scientific analysis and engineering feedback Nasmyth prime focus Local correlation tracker (tip/tilt) FOV: 70″by 70″(square) Visible photometry PCO camera 2K by 2K TiO nm BF, FWHM 10 Å G-band nm BF, FWHM 5.0 Å H Lyot NF, FWHM 0.25 Å Ca II K nm NF Near infrared photometry Rockwell camera 1K by 1K 1.6 m BF, FWHM 25 Å (deep layer) 2.23 m BF (cold clouds) m NF (corona hole) I
Big Bear Solar Observatory First-light Scientific Observations Courtesy : F. Wőger and KISIP v.6 TiO nm, FWHM 10 Å quiet sun H , FWHM 0.25 Å blue wing
Big Bear Solar Observatory III. Adaptive Optics (AO) AO-76 which was used for BBSO 65 cm telescope, is a collaboration with NSO (T. Rimmele) Shack Hartmann WFS with 76 sub- apertures (AO-76) Xinetics Deformable Mirror with 97 actuators High speed Baja camera with a frame rate of 2500 frame/s Bitware Hammerhead Boards with 40 digital signal processors (DSPs) Closed-loop Bandwidth: 120 Hz Strehl ratio: 0.7 in the NIR under median BBSO seeing
Big Bear Solar Observatory III. Adaptive Optics (AO76)
Big Bear Solar Observatory III. Adaptive Optics System What’s Next ? AO-76 transition from BBSO 65 cm to NST AO-76 installation, calibration and optimization AO-76 routine operation for NIR and visible observation Strehl ratio: 0.7 in the NIR under median BBSO seeing AO-308 system development in collaboration with NSO Wave front sensor design, upgrade control system, matrix reconstruction Streho ratio: 0.8 in the NIR under median BBSO seeing Strehl ratio: 0.35 in the visible under median BBSO seeing AO-308 installation, calibration and optimization AO-308 routine operation for NIR and visible observation MCAO development in collaboration with NSO and KIS Courtesy : T. Rimmele AO-76 AO-308 VIS NIR VIS NIR
Big Bear Solar Observatory IV. IR Imaging Magnetograph NIR Fabry-Pérot etalon plus Lyot filter and interference filter Wavelength coverage: 1 – 1.7 m Band pass: 10 pm Telecentric optical configuration Field of view: 75 ” by 75 ” Available spectral lines: Fe I Ǻ Fe I Ǻ Polarimeter: rotating wave plate ahead of M3 Spectrometric cadence: < 15 s Polarimetric cadence: < 2 min
Big Bear Solar Observatory V. Visible Imaging Spectrometer Single Fabry-Pérot etalon plus narrow band interference filter Spectrometer before NST AO-308 installation Wavelength coverage: 550 – 700 nm Band pass: 7.2 pm Telecentric optical configuration Field of view: 45 ” by 45 ” Available spectral lines: H (656.3 ± 0.15 nm ) Fe I (630.2 ± 0.15 nm) NaD 2 (588.9 ± 0.15 nm ) Cadence: < 15 s Courtesy : C. Denker and A. Verdoni
Big Bear Solar Observatory VI. FISS FISS – Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph A collaboration between BBSO and Korean Solar Community Focus on fine structures of chromosphere: filaments, spicules, mottles, jets microflares … Slit-scan imaging spectrograph Quasi-Littrow configuration Spectral resolution : 1.4×10 5 60 ” Scanning cadence : 60 sec. Dual-band spectra using dual CCD cameras Echelle grating with order-selecting filters