pho ⋅ tog ⋅ ra ⋅ phy – noun 1.the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays. 2.closely linked to cinematography.
Aberration E-6 AutoexposureAutofocus ApertureArchivalISO Shutter speed BurnChromatic AberrationChromeCropDaylight Film Depth of Field C-41 DevelopDiffuseDiopterDodgeResolution SLR Exposure Index. EmulsionEnlargementExposure ValueExposure Meter Extension TubeBracket Filter FactorFastFilmFocal plane Fisheye LensTripod Reflected-Light Meter Dedicated Flash Ultraviolet Light Focal LengthFog Focal PointF-stopGuide Number Image Stabilization Flare Ilfochrome InfraredK-14 Kelvin ScaleLatitude Latent ImageLeaf ShutterTelephoto lens LuminanceLens Macro LensManual ExposureMidtoneMonopod Aperture Priority ND Filter OverexposeSynch CordTripod Head Plane of FocusPan Polarizing FilterPositive Program Mode Reciprocity Failure ProofReflex CameraWide-angle lens Zoom Lens ShutterVignette Shutter PrioritySilhouetteSilver Halide Tungsten Light Tone SynchronizeSpot Meter Tungsten Film Type C PrintShutter Type R PrintUnderexposeWhite Light Focal Plane Soft Point and Shoot Filter Negative Inter-Neg Exposure Halftone Viewfinder Lens Hood Interchangeable Lens
The Digital World…
Photo Enhancements and Effects…
Black and White versus Colour…
Other Manual and Digital Effects….