1 of 24 Efficient calculation of computer generated holograms via parallel computing Vincent Ricardo Daria 1,2 and Andrew Banas 1 1. Instrumentation Physics Laboratory National Institute of Physics University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City 2. Computational Science Research Center University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
2 of 24 Holograms: Tailored optical landscapes Output 3D light fields Laser Optics system of lenses Spatial light modulator Hologram
3 of 24 Spatial Light Modulator: a promising tool for dynamic beam control Digital technology: Computer-addressable pixel array Amplitude modulation Phase modulation
4 of 24 High-optical throughput tailored optical landscapes Generalized Phase Contrast Holographic
5 of 24 Tailored beam shapes via the Holographic method (Gabor, 1948) Output intensity pattern Hologram (Records Complex Field) Signal Beam Reference Beam
6 of 24 I.F.T. Intensity constraints F.T. Intensity constraints Phase Iterative hologram design: Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm R.W. Gerchberg, W.O. Saxton, Optik 35, 237 (1972) HologramplaneFourierplane
7 of 24 Parallel Fast Fourier transform Banas and Daria, Proc. Of SPP (2005) Test cluster
8 of 24 Parallel Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm A Banas, A Hilario and V Daria, Proc of SPP 2006
9 of 24 Interface with experimental setup Spatial light modulator Camera Fast Ethernet 100 MBps
10 of 24 The CSRC – High Performance Computing Facility Nodes: (32) Intel Pentium GHz Gigabit Ethernet Servers (4) Dual processor Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz (32-bit) Gigabit Ethernet
11 of 24 Parallel Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm performance with the CSRC HPC Numerical field reconstruction Network traffic
12 of 24 Results Target Numerical reconstruction Optical reconstruction
13 of 24 Summary for Parallel GS algorithm Developed a parallel Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for deriving computer generated holograms (CGH). Large CGH arrays are distributed into computing nodes thereby easing memory allocations for each node Significant increase in speed of calculation is achieved at larger arrays
14 of 24 Wavefront engineering group Team Leader Vincent Ricardo Daria, DrEng (Associate Professor) Researchers Darwin Palima, PhD (Adjunct Professor) Anthony Montecillo (Research Associate) Godofredo Bautista (PhD Physics student) Jacquiline Romero (MS Physics student) Andrew Banas (BS Physics student) Atchong Hilario (BS Applied Physics student) Reniel Cabral (BS Applied Physics student)
15 of 24 Thank you Vincent Ricardo Daria National Institute of Physics College of Science University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City