Hydrological Monitoring– Status June 2012 Mikaela Kruskopf, TBIWRDP WME, BoARD
Agreement of institutional ”home” (WB Finland mission 2009) MMP BoWRD Counterparts assigned 2009 Counterparts trained 2010 Budget allocated 2011 and idenpendently operational Operative to some extent – but not providing timely data Subwatershed Monitoring Programme MoWE Hydrology department Capacity weak, little staff Subwatersheds identified, measured, design and procurement plan drawn up Routing for access roads made and design study ongoing
Access Road progress Design consultants contracted 4th April – 4th October 2012 (Saba Engineering, Addis Abeba) Tendering for construction: 2-3 months? Start of construction: Dec 2012 – Jan 2013 Construction to be done in priority order: 1) Baskura, 2) Enkulal, 3) Zefie 4) Kentay, 5) Jema, with option to only construct two- three roads.
Assumptions TsBO to prepare for installation of hydrological stations starting from March 2013, operative for end of dry season. Procurement of hydrological equipment through A1 component will proceed (international tendering – possibility to do at Regional level?) Compromise on number and localities: Baskura and Enkulal will serve both B1 and A1, while proposal is to move Zefie road to station proposed by A1 (not useful for B1).
Microwatershed Based Monitoring Programme – Status in June 2012 Data collection on the central parameters since August stations established at the outlets of 15 microwaterhseds 10 stations within the TBIWRDP area, while 5 stations are in ”control” waterhseds (no project activities taking place) ~ 8000 samples collected August 2009 – June 2012
Number of observations and samples in MMP
Institutionalisation MMP – exit plan 2010 MMP scale within BoWRD - two counterparts on part-time Operational budgets prepared for MMP level O&M Woreda Water Offices trained in equipments and sampling Inclusion of Woreda level in MMP assessed
Status assessment 2012 Backlog of sediment samples in the Enterprise (out of 3500 samples delivered, 1000 not entered, 2500 not analysed) Results from lab not received at BoWRD in May 2012 The procurement for office equipment, field equipment and maintenance equipment is not done QA of entered data is not done (no supervision since TBIWRDP supervisor left) No further analyses have been done to render the data useful for users. No data analyses relating to flow carried out, no systematic storage and updating of data. Weak capacity for supervision and data analyses.
INDICATORSTATUS MARCH 2012 Hydrological monitoring programme functional, providing timely and accurate data MMP functional, but data provision not timely. Establishment in process for subwatershed level Hydrological monitoring program institutionalized and operated by a competent local institution with adequate financial resources BoWRD operating the ”bare minimum”, but with much backlog and delays. Woreda WOs trained but not yet involved in routine work. New exit plan to be prepared. Outcome: An increase in dry season baseflow or its duration Baseline data available for 15 stations in dry season Flow measurements done in dry season 2011 Outcome: A 10% reduction in suspended sediment load measured over the project life. Baseline data available since August 2009, currently as ”sediment concentration” (g/ l) Equipment provided by WME to measure discharge, enabling concentration to be converted to sediment load at a later stage
Action Plan 2012 Consider and discuss the institutionalisation plan among stakeholders – assign new staff in TsBO to be trained (Brilew – now acting Head) Maintenance and improvement of MMP stations (not achieved dry season 2012 due to procurement problems) Proceed with subwatershed outlet stations (2 stations with staff gauges) QA and analyses of 2011 (and 2012) data Analyses of crest stage, flow, dipper and sediment load data (linking with A1 and universities, use of data for modelling)
Action Plan 2012 Training of old and new staff members in procedures, update manual Collection of flow and integrated sediment measurements throughout rainy season Analyses of baseline data – comparisons between land use, erosion control measures and sediment and baseflow data Data for water balance assessments partly available – combine effort with BDU (piezometer studies in MMP watersheds, modelling, water balance, flows etc) Continue interaction with BDU students (2 in 2010), and other projects currently underway in the Tana subbasin (TsBO, A1, BDU and Ghent Tana Basin water balance, other students (HY, Stockholm etc).
Institutionalisation – exit plan 2012 Proclamation of River Basin Councils and Authorities places mandate of developing a basin information system, which should include, amongst others, quality and quantity of water resources, with the Basin Authorities TsBO and ABA have become operational in 2011 Both MMP and subwatershed level monitoring will, finally, be moved to ABA (from BoWRD and hydrological department) Preliminary discussions held of gradually shifting MMP to TsBO January 2012 WB mission recommends closer linkage with A1 TsBO and ABA to take lead in subwatershed outlet establishment and operations – as part of A1 hydrological network – coordinate with B1 Access Road construction Link to TBWME M&E system must be ensured
Thank You!