TECHNOLOGIES I learnt a lot of the technical process through the production of my opening sequence. For example, the camera I used had several new features that I had not used before and these allowed me to create a better quality opening sequence. One of the features I used was the camera tracker, it steadies the camera to prevent shaky footage, I used this for the fast tracking shot and it created the feeling that you were actually chasing the action. This feature was also very useful in pans and tilts because it kept the camera shots smooth which made the whole piece look more professional. Another feature I used to improve the quality of the shoot was the focus adjuster, this allowed me to focus in on what I wanted the audience to be looking at and cancel out any less significant actions in the background.
TECHNOLOGIES The built in torch was useful most of the time, it gave a good atmosphere and illuminated the surrounding very well. The only problem I had with it was on one particularly dark scene, the camera made the shot look like night vision as it was in black and white, however I was able to improve this in post-production through colour correction. I had to be careful with sound recording, the camera has a built in directional microphone and so it only records sound in front of it and so I had to make sure it was pointing the right way during an speech needed and to not record any background noise of interference.
TECHNOLOGIES I learnt a lot about editing from my preliminary task, because first of all I just dumped all my clips into Sony Vegas, and picked one out at random to start editing on. This was time consuming and stressful as I kept losing the clip I wanted. So for editing my opening sequence, firstly I put all my clips into a main folder, I then looked through each one and noted down which parts were useful and disregarded any that were bad quality, I then named each clip I wanted to use with a number so I could immediately tell which order they would be edited in. So when I imported them into Final Cut Pro, it was quick and easy to edit a rough cut.
TECHNOLOGIES While shooting my preliminary task I put little thought into the camera angles that I used and therefore they gave off the wrong meaning. However, for my opening sequence I planned every shot so give off a meaning relevant to the scene, and therefore this made my opening sequence a lot more effective for my audience. I only still shots for my preliminary task which made the scene boring and dull, but for my opening sequence in every shot the camera is moving and giving a different view and perspective for the audience which made it a lot more interesting and professional.