Numerical Integration in DFT Patrick Tamukong The Kilina Group Chemistry & Biochemistry, NDSU
The Eigenvalue Problem in DFT In DFT, we seek where the energy functional is and the electron density is subject to the constraints Due to the analytical complexity of exchange and correlation energy formulas, integrations are performed numerically 2
Partitioning of the Integral Express the integral as a sum over atomic centers where Partition or weight function Function to be integrated for any The partition or weight function fulfills the conditions 3
Integral at Atomic Center Each integral at atomic centers is approximated as a sum of shell integrals over a series of concentric spheres centered at the nucleus of the atom The function to be integrated is 4 where integration over shell of radius Surface element in spherical coordinates
The Partition Function The partition function or nuclear weight at a given point is The are hyperbolic coordinates defined as 5 where is the unnormalized cell function of atom A, composed of independent pair contributions
The Cell Function It must be close to unity near nucleus A and close to zero near other nuclei, thus the contribution between atoms A and B,, decreases monotonically as follows is subject to the conditions 6 Gräfenstein, J.; Cremer, D. J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127,
Becke’s Definition of The Cell Function According to Becke Becke found k = 3 to be the optimum value for a sufficiently well-behaved. Since, it follows that 7 Becke, A. D. J. Chem. Phys. 1988, 88, Where the polynormials are such that
Properties of the Hyperbolic Coordinates Consider Using the cosine rule 8 Tamukong, P. K. Extension and Applications of GVVPT2 to the Study of Transition Metals. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, 2014 (
Properties of the Hyperbolic Coordinates Thus only within a sphere of radius At a fixed radius of a given sphere around atom A, and are even functions of the angle 9 Tamukong, P. K. Extension and Applications of GVVPT2 to the Study of Transition Metals. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, 2014 ( that is iff From
Properties of the Hyperbolic Coordinates Thus has its maximum at and minimum at Meanwhile has its maximum on the sphere 10 when and minimum when
Alternative Definition of Cell Function Stratmann et al. alternatively define the cell function as 11 Where is a piece-wise odd function defined as Stratmann, R. E.; Scuseria, G. E.; Frisch, M. J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1996, 257, 213.
Alternative Definition of Cell Function Within the limits, the function is subject to the constraints 12 The function has zero second and third order derivatives at and leads to The Stratmann et al. cell function satisfies reliably from the requirement that the derivatives of the Becke and Stratmann cell functions coincide at
Selection of Significant Functions In performing integrations, advantage is taken of the fast decaying nature of Gaussian atomic orbitals such that for each grid point, only such functions that are numerically significant (according to a user-specified criterion, ) are considered 13 For grid point, a set of significant functions is chosen which satisfies radius of considered sphere ε
Selection of Significant Functions To maximize computational efficiency, blocks of grid points are used, e.g., a sphere of grid points with a set of significant basis functions 14 if for some
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